Hi I’m Tyler and I’m adicted to FIRST! How about you?
Hi Tyler! We’re proud of you for admitting that you’re addicted to FIRST!
Hi! I’m Jake, and I’ve been addicted to FIRST for almost three years.
I’m Kyle, I have been addicted for only a year. But there’s many more to come!
Hey y’all! I’m Elise and I am also very much addicted to FIRST even though this is the start of my second year! If anyone knows how to quell my addiction, please…just back away very slowly
hi i’;m aaron and i wont ever admit that i’m addicted…i think my condition is worse than that…but wait, isnt admitting you have a problem the first step to quitting!!! I DONT WANNA QUIT!!!
I’M ADDICTED TO FIRST!!!, i will openly admit it, there is no end in sight, and i hope to keep it this way, why is this post entitled “FIRSTaholics anonymous” we’re not being verry anonymous, lol
my name is mike, and i have been a FIRST addict for the past 5 years, and im not afraid to let the whole world know!
I think there’s already a number of threads like this around…