Well, I have finally uploaded the beginning of the 2002 gallery on firstrobotics.net For those of you that do not know what it is, I established FIRSTROBOTICS.NET to keep a pitoral history of FIRST online. Every year I put up a new gallery of robots, and it is continuously updated throughout the year. Eventually, the goal is to have all the robots from every year of FIRST on there, but that’s going to take a while. Right now, there are 78 different robots up on this year’s gallery, and the 2000, and 2001 galleries are also still up. Check it out, and tell me what you think…
thats great! maybe you could make a form where people could upload pictures on their own? It would save you some work at least.
Good work, you may want to fiddle with contrast, thought its probably just me and my hate of black in websites.
Awesome site, I just added a new bookmark to my browser!!!
Is it possible to have a little description of the robot in the form of a sentence or two.
Also where can I send you pics of our robot???
Do you have an e-mail adress???
Keep up the good work!
there is a link on the top of the gallery page, along with two on the main site with my e-mail addy on it for those of you who wish to send me pictures. Please keep it down to one or two pictures at most. I just updated it one more time, and the count is up to 105 robots…
Thanks Jason, again! firstrobotics.net should be a lot easier to look through when finding a paticular team’s picture.
How much space are there to hold pictures? And what kind of bandwidth do you have for the page?
Well, either way, great job! Let me know if I can help hunt down pictures
Well Ken, Space isn’t really an issue, I have LOTS of it. And as far as bandwith goes… well, the server has a dedicated T1, and I am almost the only site hosted on it, and the other sites hosted there are very low-traffic sites, so your download speeds should be good.
And, if you can find any pictures out there that I have missed, please by all means send them my way…
In order by team number!! PERFECT.
You’re doing a great service to the FIRST community.
Thank you
Lisa T
Been using the site since it was on your old team’s page. Love it. Thanks for keepin it alive:D
Great site, Jason.
We made your site the focus of today’s Question of the Day and are asking visitors to identify some randomly chosen robots that your site has covered.
Now we need some good robo-scouts to come by our site and identify the robot, team name and number.
Thanks for your effort. Having the pictures in order by team number is invaluable.
I did notice that one of the pictures you used of our (Team 343) robot shows some battle scars from our upstate scrimmage–and this damage was caused accidently by one of our alliance partners! I hope this is not a hint of how things may go when the real pushing and shoving starts.
Too bad that I already answerred one of your easy questions of the day, cause with one glance I knew all three of those bots. Thanks for the recognition though, and see you at KSC. Can’t wait to see your bot in action, hopefully we’ll get a chance to work together too, I was also a coach on 459 last year as part of the winning alliance at KSC with you guys last year. Maybe we can do a repeat this year…
Great job on the updates, Jason.
Oh, and maybe get some sleep some time too