Alright here is the plan:
Team 134 is building a website called FIRSTStop
Its goal is to be a one stop shop for everything FIRST.
I need help.
What resources does your team use?
I need ones for programming, websites, robot build, CAD, part orders, and anything else you can think of.
Anything you can give me is very much appreciated
-A bigger and more comprehensive CAD library. There’s many out there, but no one’s combined them (that i know of). Some of them are,, and all the team website CAD libraries. maybe you could compile those.
-List of all good suppliers, e.g., andymark, Mcmaster, BaneBots.
-Other FIRST related websites, e.g., CD,,,,
-List of all the regional websites, e.g.,
-Maybe something where a team could click a “attending” button for the regionals they’re going to so people know who’s going to what.
-List of every team’s website
-More comprehensive Awards list. Including more specific stuff than FIRST champions like all the past winners of regionals, chairman award winners, even animation award winners, etc.
Good luck,
Here’s a few things i would LOVE to see, Please add some tutorials for gear boxes (i.e. AM super shifters and other things that do not have instructions), how to line up sprockets, how to do chain break, how to measure out belts and other basic mechanical things that teams use frequently. Programing and electrical how to’s would be great to put up there too. Maybe you could have threads with open source, and sample code so people could help some one with coding that there having trouble with. A nice big CAD library that has all the COTS, KOP ,stock parts you can think of and in .step, Solidworks, and inventor files. (PM me I would love to help you get that up and running)
And a list of all documentation for a season in one place, something I haven’t seen yet.
As in instead of the classmate setup being on one page, and the control system manual being 10 pages away. Can never find it…
maybe we can all come up with a list of the most used bolts…
i suggest seeing if you can find cheap plexi and lexan (: and one thing teams always seem to have trouble finding is compressor feet. thats a start. great idea!
Thanks very much for taking on this challenge. Every single FRC robot has a control system that needs to be configured and programmed, yet the information seems to be scattered all over the place. (e.g. “How to Build and load Programming…” is located on the Kit of Parts web page?)
I would love to see a page with links to the following:
Control System Configuration (with links to all required updates)
Programming (with links to tutorials, libraries, samples, docs, and forums for all flavors)