Since Banebots motors and gearboxeds still haven’t arrived for the Israeli teams, we are looking into using the FP as a stand in for practice.
I have been in FIRST for many years, and assembled several gearboxes, but I’ll be quick to admit - I’m clueless regarding the 2011 FP gearbox…
No matter how I’ve tried it - the gear doesn’t mesh right and the gearbox binds!
As far as I can tell, there is only 1 set of mounting holes compatible with the FP motor, and the motor is rotationally symmetric (though i’ve tried mounting it both ways).
no matter what I do - the gearbox binds. any clue on this one would be greatly appreciated…
I’m not sure which year’s gearboxes we are using, but we used 2 FP gearboxes (with the orange gears) for prototypes and they appear to work fine for us. Maybe you have the wrong pinion on the motor? Sorry that this probably isn’t very helpful for you, I wish I could help more. If you want, I could get pictures of our setup if you think that would help. Let me know if I could help somehow.
In the recent years (two years?) the fisher price gearbox has changed from the old design. The new ones have orange gears, the old ones have white ones. There are also different FP motors that are legal for first. The motors should be identical in mounting, but you need to be sure to have the right pinion gear pressed onto your motor-I believe the FP has either a 19-tooth or 12-tooth pinion by default.
I don’t have a FP gearbox on hand to check but I do believe they have multiple sets of mounting holes on them. Make sure you are in the right one. Also ensure it is properly lubed up.
Last year’s “orange ring” motor has a 19 tooth pinion, this year’s “orange ring” motor has a 13 tooth pinion. This year’s gearbox has orange gears and output sleeve, I don’t’ know what last year’s look like?
Make sure you have the right parts, but then it could also be that they don’t work together
We’re using old FP gears that we took out of the gearbox, with both this year’s and last year’s motors, to make simple custom single stage reduction gearboxes.