FiT Waco Event, Team 5212 Bumper Help

Hi everyone,

We’re still working on bumpers and I don’t think we’re going to be ready for our competition today. Last year, a senior’s parent sewed us some nice reversible bumpers, but with the new rules, his departure, and a far more complicated robot than last year, we’ve fallen really behind on them.

First, we redesigned how we do the plywood frame this year due to our poor experiences with them last year, so although they should be solid, we’re really behind on the other parts (turns out going to an academically challenging school means you spend a lot of time on academics). Next, our bumper fabric from andymark didn’t arrive until yesterday and our mail service didn’t tell us they arrived until I checked the fedex tracking number today. I think we can get the noodles attached before we leave, but we don’t have anyone who knows to sew and attach the bumper fabric.

Is anyone who’s going to the Waco district event today able to help us out?

It’s generally unlikely that teams at an event would be checking CD… but you can always go to pit admin for them to make an announcement! I’m sure there will be teams who will send helpers to your pit.

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do you have enough wood and noodles to make 2x bumpers (one red, one blue)?
If you can do separate single color assemblies, all you really need is a staple gun and some gaff tape in the pits, the sewing all becomes optional

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2468 will have extra bumper material I believe.

We will have some students that could assist as well. Do you have pool noodles and wood?


We do. We mostly need help on mounting to our frame and attaching the fabric/numbers.