Fitting P60 Gear on 775pro

My team bought a P60 to fix our intake and it came with one of these gears. Because it has a 5mm bore and the motor has a 5mm shaft, we assumed everything would work out. In reality, the gear didn’t slide nicely onto the shaft and we ended up malleting the gear in, which broke the 775pro in the process (i.e. it stalls when power is applied to it). Is there a proper way to get this gear on the 775pro?

When pressing on pinions (gears) or pulleys, we created a recess in a tube so that the 775 fits in there. Also took a round rod and supported the back shaft, took this assembly to the arbor press and bam, pinions pressed perfectly everytime.

I’m not sure that we have an arbor press in the lab, or that anyone on our team has one we can get our hand on. Do you think we could use a vice?

I don’t recommend it but if you have nothing else go for it? Just try to keep the motor as square as you can to the vise.

Alright. Maybe I’ll see if I can get one from home depot this weekend. thanks so much.

I have installed a bunch of gears on 775 motors with a really cheap cheap vice. Use two people to sight the motor to be sure that it is square with the gear (one from the side, one from the top) and you should be all set.

If your vice has a grippy diamond grid cut into the surface, you may want to put a piece of aluminum angle on each jaw, hanging down into the vice jaws so that you can push on a flat surfaces.


Dr. Joe J.