Flacon 500 making a louder noise than usual, how to fix?

We were testing falcon-500 to see if they work and noticed some of them made a louder noise than others. We changed out the axels coming out of the motor before hand, but also realized that an untouched motor is making the same noise. Is there a solution to this?

Could you describe the noise, and when it happens?

Chiefdelphi won’t let me add the video, but it sounds like when something is vibrating fast and is hitting something, and when I record it I hear a high-pitched sound. It happens when I start the motor.

Can you upload the video to youtube?

we’ll test it again tomorrow, and if we have the same problem I’ll get back to you

We’ve seen a few bearing failures in our Falcons. All are versions 1 and 2. These bearings from Amazon put them right:

If the idea of a 75 cent bearing makes you nervous the size is 8mm ID, 14mm OD, 4mm thick and they should be available elsewhere.

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EDIT: We updated the motor firmware and the issue is gone. Mind blown.

We are experiencing a possibly similar problem. We’re running two Falcon 500s. We hear an loud click that sounds like it’s losing power for a brief moment (maybe 500ms?) and both diagnostic lights blink orange and then they’re back to solid green.

The troubleshooting section of the Falcon manual describes a solid orange as a thermal protection but they’re not hot to the touch, and I would expect the motors to stop functioning for a longer period of time.

I think it’s important to note that both motors do this when they’re both running, but not simultaneously. They’ll also do this less frequently when they’re running individually.

The amp draw in the Phoenix software shows standard draw of 5A, a spike to like 100A, then down to 0A when the noise is heard, and then back to 5A.

To be clear, this is a noise that is audibly/physical noise resulting from vibration and not the stall horn, correct?

It could be from a vibration but we will see tomorrow and retest them

We figured out the problem, the bearings where bad, the thickness was suppose to be 4mm but the wire down to 3.8mm, thank you for your help!

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