'Flash' discussion

A darkened field area, blocked from the operator’s line of sight, where either a light and the regular camera or a Kinect can be used to navigate.

Robots that light stuff on fire.

A resurrection of a previous game.
The Titanic sinking.

The name of the parts gets longer as you go down the list forming half of a slope. Although i could think of an unintentional explanation for this anomally.

Sorry for the poor spelling, im in a hurry

Holy cow, really?! (not sarcasm)

EDIT: Wait, I just looked at the hint again. No, it doesn’t.

Sarcasm? Because this is starting to make sense to me
I just took a look at it again… Its less slope like then it originally appeared, but its still a possibility

Possibly senseless ideas:

  • If you concatenate the post times (5:39 10:33 2:47), you get 5391033247, which is a Harshad number.
  • If you rearrange the letters in #FRCKO, you can get frock, which is a type of clothing. (If it means anything, I think it is bag-and-tag)

More sensible idea:

  • Like the above post, the u’s go uUu, and the post times have a similar large-in-the-middle pattern.

Woah. Didn’t notice that. Lol. I bet next year they wont tell us where the hints are and they’ll expect us to find them within miscellaneous posts. We seem good at that.

True that

How dare you drag Quantum Mechanics into Robotics!

Flash is part of the name of the game. Lights on the field flash to indicate different segments of the game. For example, the base of the towers would flash near the end of the game.

In Hint 1 there were an awful lot of light-thingies that could be made to flash.


I’ve got it. Bill is actually making a prediction as to the winner of the Championship with all this talk about “flash” updates.

FRC1319, Golden Flash, from South Carolina. I remember they made Einstein a few years back, but I don’t remember with whom or what year.

You may all go insane trying to figure out this new angle…

…but the only thing you’re angling for is red herrings!

You may all go insane trying to figure out this new angle…

I got it! Golden Flash 1319 is secretly on the GDC, breaking all the FRC unspoken codes we know and love! We must find them and extract information. WE SHALL DISCOVER THIS GAME.after the game is posted on kickoff day…

It all makes since! 1319 is on the GDC this year and knows about the game early, so they WILL win einstein! Plus, according to in the 2012 manual, “Only FRC team 1319 may win the 2012 water game”. :slight_smile:

On a completely unrelated note: This is my 1000th post on CHief Delphi! :smiley:

does this help: http://wordsmith.org/anagram/anagram.cgi?anagram=flashupdate&t=1000&a=n

there’s a list of anagrams of “flashupdate”
trying a creative approach.

Well, as this older post stated, Billfred (from somewhere’s around South Carolina…) IS in fact on the GDC, so maybe there’s a connection?

ok just my 2 cent the field the uUu is a peak and posible and iceberg in the ocean.Titanic is a ship that held many llights on it pershaps they are flashing inthe game and you have a senesor to keep the light on while the other alliance try and turn it off and lets going skiiing down a hill with a miniboat or miniboat race

I like “heft up salad” and “Asphalt feud” as possible game themes.

(also a few have the word “elf” in them…)

hmm. “Asphalt Feud”, so the robots fight to maintain territory on a hard surface?

endgame is to send “flare lights” made by teams up a pole to save the ship, but it’s a race. And the lights are minibots.

“Adapt Self Uh”
Robots will have to be completely autonomous, and adjust to changing field conditions, leaving the audience completely flabbergasted, and left only to mutter an unbelievable “Uhhhhhh.”


I’ve got it!
Flash Update II and Flash Update III each have I’s at the end.
There are 5 total I’s.
The I’s represent pillars or poles.
The pillars are based on the center of the field, which is a lump. (uUu)
Minibots can climb the pillars to knock gamepieces down and into play. (II III)
The gamepieces (tennis balls) must then be scored in goals on either side of the field in goals full of high-speed counters. (see Game Hint 1)
For bonus points, minibots can wear frocks. (#FRCKO)

… “heft up salad” …

AND BEHOLD! I give you, the 2012 FRC Game Title!
-cue dramatic theme music-