Flashing PhotonVision on M.2 SSD for Orange Pi 5

How does one flash the M.2 SSD of an Orange Pi 5 for PhotonVision

off the top of my head of what we did:

  1. Get an USB case for M.2 SSD. Installed the M.2 SSD and plug into PC.
  2. Download the PhotonVision Boot Image. Make sure you get the correct one that matches your OPI.
  3. Using either BalenaEtcher or Rufus to burn the image onto the USB SSD.
  4. Remove the M.2 SSD and install on OPI. Plug in keyboard/monitor onto OPI and let boot and go through the initial sequence.

I was able to flash the image to the M.2, but nothing happens when I power it on

I tried with an SD card as well. it worked.