FLL on Fox61

Hey Everyone,

 I recently judged the competition in New Britain, Connecticut @ Central Connecticut State University and I heard from a friend that there was a tv news report on Fox61. Did anyone happen to catch the broadcast and record it?
 Any extra information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!

I didn’t get to record is, but i saw it. They had a bunch of shots of robots during the game and did a short explanation of what they do, where it was, etc. Then they had a kid from 1299 (Andover Elementary, my mom’s team!!!) saying a quick think about what their robot did (the missions, etc)
I’m pretty sure someone on my mom’s team taped it. I’ll have to get back to you on that.

There was a small article in today’s Hartford Courant.

Login required to view that page. Can you copy the story here? Thanx.

edit: never mind, I found the link to both here…


I was there too… w00t!