My Team and I (744 Shark Attack) placed second in the regional in Orlando Florida and I decided to give out my own awards aside from the official ones given out by FIRST. So now I present the 744 Awesome Awards!
Best Spirit-
My favorite team spirit-wise has to be Exploding Bacon (1902) .
Their ever present cheer of Oink Oink Boom! was clever and uplifting every time. Good work, Exploding Bacon. You guys are Awesome. -
Wittiest Team-
Not really sure what their name was but they were in the upper section and from New Hampshire and their signs made me laugh every time. From “Penalty =.” to “Start the Wave!” to my personal favorite “Change the Song!”. My team and I would look up there through out the competition and laugh hysterically every time. Thank you Navy Blue New Hampshire team. You Guys are Awesome. -
Most Choreographed
Again not totally sure of the name but on the last day of competition there was a group of people from some team dancing on the empty side of the stadium that was very entertaining. There was this one girl in the middle clearly leading them all in a synchronized dance number. It was Awesome. -
Best Copycat Award
This one has to go to that guy on Krunch who totally copied my orbit ball hat idea. Yea, that was me. Thanks for belittling me…JK…but seriously. -
Best Ally
Krunch by far……’nuff said. -
Best Comeback
The Pink team was considered down and out when they couldn’t even show up for some early rounds but by some miracle pulled first place out of a borderline non-functional robot. Their great strategy made up for their complete lack of offence. That is truly awesome.