FMA season cancellation

So FMA just officially cancelled all events today and has said they are “postponed until further notice.” so i know everything is just speculation as of right now. but does anyone have an idea of what will happen with Worlds Championships? will they still be happening with the districts that are not closed? which isn’t very many…
also considering Michigan is in a state of emergency, i was just wondering if anyone had any idea’s or answers

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No one knows what will happen. We will have to wait for FIRST HQ to come out with an official statement.

Gotta imagine its about to be over for the other regions as well.

I wish we could postpone at least some of the events until the fall? I know the Seniors will be gone but its better than nothing. Obviously it becomes a lot more complicated with schedules and such…



The MARtian is BACK!


I’ve been waiting for this all season

Guess I don’t need this account anymore…


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