FMS issues at FOPC Technology

Technology field on FOPC has been having issues since the first match today. The audience display has been freezing (the video feed continues, just the time and score freeze). The handful of times this has happened, FMS sound effects aren’t playing.

We’re also seeing the OFFICIAL field timer freeze up, and audience display was turned off for this match: Field Timer Frozen on FOPC Technology - YouTube

Anyone seen this before? Science field has been running fine with no issues.


Update: Technology Qual 56/57 have had intense lag, with all 6 robots clearly having major issues. Still no official announcement, but some question box discussions look to have been happening.

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Update: Qual 58 seemed to be okay lag-wise.

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Replays have been announced for several affected matches.

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I was going to say that I have seen such behavior before and I’m sure that the FTA and scorekeeper and in communication with FIRST to track down and resolve whatever the issue is. But that seems obvious now.

We had a similar issue last week in Minneapolis, but it was resolved during practice matches on Thursday.

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