FMS Offseason + New DNS robots controlling each other

At the Week Zero event here in Nevis Minnesotta we have the problem of robots controlling each other and seeing each others cameras.

We wanted to let robots practice, so we turned off the FMS software and just let them connect to the router via ethernet as normal. Teams can get communication, but they will sometimes end up controlling the wrong robot and not connecting to their own.

This has been assumed to be an issue with how FRC has setup their DNS system, I’m just making this post to make sure other teams know, or if there’s some solution.

We ended up having teams configure their routers to their own addresses.

Turns out FRC released an update the day before week zero events.

No announcement about it, or anything on their FMS page. I understand there’s a lot of people involved here, but this is a bug that should have been atleast majorly announced, if not released in its own update weeks before.