FNC Events Being Canceled

Two of North Carolina’s Events have been canceled or “postponed until further notice.” I do know that there are lots and lots of posts like this because people are in the same boat as us. We are not a school affiliated team so it is easier for us since no restriction on travel. But the point is there are many many teams in my area that have only gone to 1 event unless they went to week 1 and 2 events but those are few. They haven’t postponed states nor champs so does this mean our season is over? The events are not scheduled until after worlds but if FIRST sends out invitations we won’t get one because our tam hasn’t had our second event to get more points to qualify. Many many teams are in this boat right now where our season went from fixing for second comp to waiting for our first offseason event.

There’s already a thread with almost 350 replies on this topic, but to answer your question: Nobody knows. Nobody knows how this pandemic is going to turn out, nobody knows quite how serious it may turn out to be, nobody knows when it will begin to taper off. There are many teams, 1676 included, that haven’t even played at all in 2020. We are all in the same boat here, we all want answers, but ChiefDelphi isn’t going to have them. We’ll all just have to patiently wait and see how it plays out, and hopefully get an official word from FIRST HQ sooner rather than later.

Ah didn’t see that thanks for that hough.

Count yourselves lucky. There are a lot of teams like ours in NC that haven’t been to an event yet. There are also six teams who were only scheduled for ECU and Asheville (including the Zebracorns.) As long as Guilford goes off as planned, I’m sure that Marie will work out some way to calculate points for district rank and invitations to NCDCMP, even for teams with only one event (i.e., most of us.) The real question is going to be whether that or Worlds can be held at all. We’ll see.

With all week 3’s being canned I don’t see how guilford would run

We’ll see what happens. Guilford County schools haven’t closed yet, so it may still happen with restrictions. We might see the event go, but have all outside people banned (i.e., teams, mentors, and event personnel only) much as is being done with the ACC tournament and other NCAA events. Where things go from there as regards NCDCMP is even murkier, because that will require some juggling from Marie and her team well beyond just packing more teams into a district event. It’s not going to be a simple thing and may depend on what FIRST HQ decides to do about Houston and Detroit. If everything gets postponed, then NCDCMP will be too and the entire rest of the season may not go until the summer. It’s hard to know what’s going to happen, but we’ll just have to adapt as best we may.