Foiled by my own team!

Many of you know that I was a former member of Team Hammond and am now a member of the Indiana Prank Monkeys. But my team has turned against me! They sent me this ransom letter after one of my precious rare #71 pins from several years ago was accidentally left behind…read and see for yourself.

-----Original Message-----
From: A Disgruntled FIRST Student
To: Morrison, Amanda M
Subject: For Monday’s FIRST Meeting

It would appear that you forgot something at the last first meeting.

Now we have one of your Team Hammond pins. See the attachment if you think we’re kidding.
If you ever want to see it again, you’ll have to do a few things.

Do the Funky Chicken in front of everyone at Monday’s FIRST meeting, and we might consider giving it back.
Don’t do it, and the pin will get traded for a couple of cheap, kitschy pins from Kansas and a piece of chewing gum in Saint Louis!

The disgruntled FIRST students

Should I give in? Those darn Prank Monkeys!

A disgruntled FIRST mentor


next “who am i” picture put up here will be you doing the funky chicken. cuz you know you want to do the funky chicken right now! smart smart kids, although i would have made ya do something funnier. like the funky chicken on the main stage at nationals! or maybe even something worse.

oh wellz. good luck with the pin, but i dunno if they will get that much for it. a team hammond pin isnt exactly gold, so all i would expect from it is the pins from kansas. plus or minus a toothpick or two.

and the lesson for today kids is never ever leave a pin behind after a team meeting.


*Originally posted by amandabean *
Should I give in?

oh, definately not… this sounds like grounds for retaliation!


i also went from a veteran team (S.P.A.M. 180) to a rookie team (1083) this year. i think these rookies are way too uppity if ya ask me. put them in their places.

if i think of anything really ruthless i’ll edit this later…

best of luck.

Amanda -

Pin, shmin. Let it go. If your former teammates feel it necessary to capture your belongings to publicly humiliate you, there is no reason that you have to cooperate.

Now, on the other hand, you might consider the following challenge for something of REAL VALUE:

Do the Funky Chicken in the middle of the play field in front of the entire audience at the Buckeye Regional next week, and I will personally guarantee that you will recieve one dozen (12 in all!) Krispy Kreme donuts. Now, could you ever ask for a greater reward than that!


Y = AX^2 + B… ehhh, whatever

What do you mean, let it go? Let a pin go? Are you crazy? No FIRST pin is worth just letting go. Especially an old one. I say you come up with some cunning plan that will get it back without them even noticing. Remember, a FIRST pin is always worth it.


Keep in mind we are the ‘Prank Monkeys’ and that this pin, the holiest of Team Hammond pins, was made specially so that there’s no other like it.

…although, your Krispy Kreme offer sounds nice. But I’ll be in St. Louis starting Wednesday…so, if they have remote cameras or something of that sort there, I’d be more than happy to shake it for the cameras, as long as there are some Krispy Kremes in the deal! Let me know. :wink:

*Originally posted by amandabean *
**…although, your Krispy Kreme offer sounds nice. But I’ll be in St. Louis starting Wednesday…so, if they have remote cameras or something of that sort there, I’d be more than happy to shake it for the cameras, as long as there are some Krispy Kremes in the deal! Let me know. :wink: **

Done! Post-St. Louis, provide a (un-Photoshopped!) digital photo of you mid-field, mid-stride, arms a-flappin’, with an appreciative audience in the background, and I will gladly pay up the dozen Krispy Kremes!


Y = AX^2 + B… ehh, whatever

Post-St. Louis, provide a (un-Photoshopped!) digital photo of you mid-field, mid-stride, arms a-flappin’, with an appreciative audience in the background, and I will gladly pay up the dozen Krispy Kremes!

uh oh, sounds like a bet to me!

I never turn down a bet…get ready to pay!

Now, how to get on the field… =)

*Originally posted by amandabean *
**I never turn down a bet…get ready to pay!

Now, how to get on the field… =) **

I’ll be there at St Louis and I’ll try to get a pic, if I am unable to get one, Im sure Shrutish will get one for ya, Amanda :wink:

D.J. Fluck, how am I going to get on stage?!

We’ll have to work on that. I have no clue.

However… tonight at our meeting, after everyone got out their cameras and tried to coerce me into the Funky Chicken, I told them about posting on Delphi here and told them that I didn’t want my pin back, and that I had Krispy Kremes coming. And that I wasn’t sharing. =)

But if you get me up there, maybe there’s a Krispy Kreme in it for you… mwahaha.:smiley:

dont give in!

To quote the great Public Enemy “Fight the power!”

hehe…steal their stuff and hold it ransom and make them do something worse then the funky chicken…


*Originally posted by amandabean *
However… tonight at our meeting, after everyone got out their cameras and tried to coerce me into the Funky Chicken, I told them about posting on Delphi here and told them that I didn’t want my pin back, and that I had Krispy Kremes coming. And that I wasn’t sharing. =)

Amanda -

OK, the bet is definitely on with regard to your “appearance” at St. Louis. But if you want to up the stakes, here is another offer: make it onto center stage at the Championship competition in Houston and do the Funky Chicken during either the finals or semi-finals (with Woodie, Dean and the entire FIRST board of directors watching!), and there will be a total of THREE DOZEN of the world’s greatest confections in it for you!

So how hungry are you? :smiley:


Y = AX^2 + B… ehhh, whatever


As much as I adore your tasty treats, I have made no plans as to date to go to Houston. However, I am seriously considering a road trip for those delectable delights.

And besides, who can resist?

Contemplating Carefully,

*Originally posted by amandabean *
**I never turn down a bet…get ready to pay!

Now, how to get on the field… =) **

I’ll be on field all day all three days at the New England regional, too bad none of these bets apply up here =P

(I’m field reset crew)

3 dozen Krispy Kremes? Seems like a bit of a let down. Now 3 dozen Dunkin’ Donuts… that’s worth it.

::runs to avoid Dave’s wrath::

*Originally posted by amandabean *
**D.J. Fluck, how am I going to get on stage?!

We’ll have to work on that. I have no clue.

However… tonight at our meeting, after everyone got out their cameras and tried to coerce me into the Funky Chicken, I told them about posting on Delphi here and told them that I didn’t want my pin back, and that I had Krispy Kremes coming. And that I wasn’t sharing. =)

But if you get me up there, maybe there’s a Krispy Kreme in it for you… mwahaha.:smiley: **

You could do it during the practice rounds, or try to talk someone into letting you be the coach for one match. This will guarantee you at least 4 different times you can step onto the field. If you do it on Friday all you have to do is walk to your robot w/ the driver/operator/human player after the end of the match and dance away (while they are getting the robot).

Just an idea that would probably work. :]

Good idea, Clark. I really don’t want to be center of attention or anything, but that sounds good!

p.s.- if any of the field crew want to swap shirts for a bit… =)


Well Dave,

It looks like your buying a dozen Krispy Kremes. I don’t have pictures myself, but several other team members do. We also have the video of the dance. It was between matches when the announcer called everyones attention to the stage to watch. After she started, the rest of the audience joined in. I’m sure someone will post pictures and maybe a link to the video soon.