Food for Thought

I am a high school teacher along with being the coach for our robotics team. I see too many students worry more about what someone else has posted on FB about them than they do their education.

We have come off a robotics season that left many involved wondering what the heck the GDC was thinking with Aerial Assist. According to what I have read on Delphi and heard personally many participants, mentors, organizers, and volunteers felt like roadkill once the competition season was over.

As we approach a new build season I find myself wondering what new challenges we will face and how we will handle them. In light of that I just want to leave you with a thought I read this morning in an interview. The interviewee was Rachel Frederickson (winner of The Biggest Loser) and she was talking about all the negative voices in her life. We all have them, those that tell us what we can and can’t do, that we will or won’t be successful etc. and I believe she summed it all up perfectly.

My question to you is this: What voices will you allow into your life to tell you who you are? Everyone’s voice is powerful. Is your voice going to be one that tears others down or one that lifts this world up with positivity, hope, and love?

Just food for thought…

That’s deep, my friend.