
does anyone know if the championships will be archived on bluealliance or something for people to watch? thanks.

Videos are already up on SOAP

I can’t wait until the match with the last minute dash for the ramps (it was 71’s alliance on Einstein); that was possibly the coolest last-second win I’ve seen in a while.

When will elimination matches be posted?

Anyone know about newton? Can’t find it on soap.

i noticed that newton was gone too. It was on there for a day but some of the matches were corupted so i think they might be fixing the problem (hopefully):wink:

It seems as if all the videos are now up on SOAP. However, the video of the ending of the competition (cmp endawards.wmv) which shows Wildstang’s video and the Chairman’s Award (and I was hoping would also show the closing video) cuts off halfway through when I play it. Has anyone else experienced it? Is it my setup or a problem with the posting?

A big thank you to SOAP 108 for providing this service!

I seem to have the same problem viewing this video file. Does anyone else have the closing video from Champs?

I’m on a Mac using Flip4Mac. The rest of the videos play fine. This video (cmp endawards.wmv) doesn’t play at all. Must be some missing data or something of that nature.


When will the Israel regional be posted? :frowning: