Here’s for all you first lovers… its not much but it did kill an hour of my time. God, a rainy day on a tropical island stinks.
I’ll take any comments. (good ones preferrably).
Here’s for all you first lovers… its not much but it did kill an hour of my time. God, a rainy day on a tropical island stinks.
I’ll take any comments. (good ones preferrably).
Its “your base are belong to us” all over again.
but hey… i’m only human.
i think.
All your bot are belong to us… 5 bucks says a team will have that as a slogan or something next year…
so you finally get the time to do something like this after you give up on us and kill rambots.com…
hello mikey.
i never deserted rambots.
the same rambots blood that flows within your veins was pumped by none other than the heart of rambots.
simple answer, yea, so much time now that i dont have to work for rambots.
ps. i was thinking of making another version of that wherein the first logo falls onto the stick figure and blood gushes out of the i love first text. anyone requests?
do it…definately
and maybe you didnt desert the rambots exactly…but you did leave us
stick figure movie’s are cool:D
I see how it is. You can us until your current situation is less than satisfactory. You don’t really care about us anymore… Na, I’m just kiddin’. It’s great to hear from you. Your stick guy is great; very entertaining. One of the rambots should make that their Avatar. (hint hint hint) Keep in touch more!
Carolyn who thinks Anton is the biggest ninny she’s ever met.
anton has apparently made the bloody flash animation too, but i havent seen it. im trying to though.