for next SCRRF meeting

Ken Berry wanted me to speak on his behalf tonight, and we ran out of time.

  1. Barbara Christy from Loyola is looking for 5 high school teachers who
    would like to participate in an engineering internship this summer. Wanted:
    Math and Science teachers who would like to bring engineering into their
    schools. Anyone who is interested please contact Nancy Mc at
    [email protected] for additional information.

  2. Ken Berry from CSUN heads up a national group called RoboEducators. If
    there are SCRRF members who would also like to be a part of his list as well
    we will be glad to add you to this growing list. He is working with
    educators and industry to produce robotics curriculum. He also heads up a
    program on a middle school mars rover program. Please contact Nancy Mc at
    [email protected] with your contact information.

  3. Would anyone be interested in forming a robotics league? There is a
    successful program run by Mike McIntyre from Michigan. If there is
    interest, we can have Mike come out and show us how it works. Please
    contact Nancy Mc at [email protected]

4.Ken also has a lead on getting the Los Angeles Convention Center for the
2004 FIRST Competition. The cost for the venue would be minimal. He would
like to host a robotics conference at the same time and will need committee
to help organize and host the conference.

  1. The RoboEducators Leadership Committee met in Las Vegas last December to
    discuss the production of a 9th grade robot curriculum. The major areas
    have been identified for the 6 sixweek modules. Industry partners who can
    assist with the production costs have been approached and teachers are being
    sought to produce the educational product. If you are interested in
    participating in this project, please contact Nancy Mc at [email protected].

  2. Ken is also interested in producing summer camp programs in the South
    Bay Area and at CSUN. If you would like additional information please
    contact nancy Mc at [email protected].

Have a great, and good building.
-Nancy Mc