Forum idea

As I was sitting, thinking about what still needs to be done for this coming up season, the idea popped into my mind:

What about a fundraising forum? I know that the topic isn’t discussed much, but it might be something that could be discussed more if it weren’t swollowed up by other discussions. I know right now, one of the biggest things on my mind is how is my team going to pay for nationals?!?

I just thought maybe fundraising might merit having its own forum so teams can help other teams out on ideas for finding the money to do a little better.

Maybe I’ve spent too much time thinking about next year’s season…

Anyone else think this is a good idea?

Sounds fine to me.

That would be great to help teams get better ideas. The more people who think about an idea the better it can get. (Most of the time anyway) It would help rookie teams alot if they are having trouble coming up with idea of ther own.

In response to a friend’s question…

This would be something that could be not only for team activities like car washes, but also methods of finding sponsors, what the best way to approach them, what types of companies to approach, who should do the work, etc.

werd, cool stuff
/me yells at the nice “Meanie” and asks for a fundraising forum

that is a great idea for a forum

I’m down wi dat Yo. Brandon???

I would like to see a place in the forum for it. It would be nice to share ideas, and be able to access those ideas at a later time.

see… im really not mean :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Let’s all hear it for Brandon, the Chief Delphi Forum Webmaster. YAY.

go brandon go brandon hip hip horray

YAY BRANDON!!! Thanks!!