FRC 1466 Webb Robotics | 2025 Build Thread | Open Alliance

1466 Build Thread 1 - Week 0: Team Intro

Welcome to Webb Robotics - Team 1466’s build thread for the 2025 FRC Season! After a great competition season last year, we are excited to bring you student-written updates throughout the build and competition seasons, sharing our work and processes. As part of Open Alliance again this year, we’ll document our 2025 build through this blog and social media.

About Us:

Based out of the Webb School of Knoxville, we are the oldest active FRC team in East Tennessee. Webb is a PreK - 12 independent day school. We’re part of a collaboration & cooperation network within a relatively large, local density of teams.

We have ~35 students and ~6 mentors this season. We also have 3 FLL teams and 1 FTC team working with us in a large, shared build space.

Season Planning and Goals:

Team leadership spans 10th-12th grade. We have 2 team captains and 5 subteam leaders (mechanical, controls, design, media, safety). They’ll be sharing the responsibilities of posting regular updates here. The leadership team identified a few overarching goals for the competition season:

  • Improved team culture and connectedness within our program
  • Clearer communication between subteams and within subteams
  • Regular recognition and celebration of season milestones, big and small
  • Consistent training and integration of our new members into the team
  • Improved documentation
  • Durable and consistent robot
  • Reliable Autonomous Routine
  • Easily accessible and labeled robot wiring
  • Consistent progress updates across multiple media platforms
  • 100% of team precipitation in outreach events

Build Season Plan

We schedule around 12-15 hours of robotics workshop time per week, with our team meetings after school and on Saturdays. Some FRC work happens outside of those times or via remote collaboration. We have regular FLL mentoring and outreach scheduled each week.

We are attending regional events in Week 3 (Magnolia) and Week 6 (Smoky Mountains). Our goal is to have a finished robot by early February, leaving plenty of time for programing and drive practice. We expect to build two robots - a prototype/test bot and a polished bot done in time for events.

Check out our YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and our GitHub repository. If you want to see our build processes from previous years, you can check out our build blogs from 2022, 2023, and 2024. Last season, we were featured as a FIRST “Diary of an Innovator” team, and you can read our posts of the FIRST Blog here, here, and here.

Build Philosophy

We’re a mid-resource team. We have access to COTS components and sponsors to help us with machining. Our primary tools we use in our shop are saws, drill presses, and a small CNC. We use a Glowforge laser cutter for prototyping, cutting parts out of cardboard or MDF to check geometry or function before manufacturing robot parts.

We’ll be incorporating a lot of COTS components in our build. We intend to run a swerve chassis with Kraken motors. Obviously, this is game-dependent, but we aren’t the type of team to build a “do everything” robot. Based on our team goals for this season, we’ll build a robot focused on performing specific RP tasks extremely well.


I’m looking forward to this thread and to seeing y’all at Magnolia again!


Do you know what specific module yet?

We plan to use MK4 or MK4i modules, likely using L2 gearings with krakens, however it is always game dependant.


1466 Build Thread: Pre-Season

With less than a week until kickoff, we want to share what we’ve done in terms of pre-season preparation and share what everyone can expect from us in terms of our robot build plans. We made lots of progress in our summer/fall pre-season. We participated in three events, WVROX, Robo Rodeo, and GRITS. For all of our fall events, we used our 2024 Crescendo robot, for which CAD and code are available.


For the past two years, we’ve scheduled 3 pre-season events with each event having a slightly different focus for our team. In 2024, our first pre-season event was WVROX in August where we focused on training new team leads/upperclassmen for their 2025 season roles. WVROX was a bucket list event for us for many years, and the scheduling finally worked out in our favor this year. We really put our robot through the ringer, which was great training for new and backup drive team roles and pit crew. The event was a fantastic experience for our team, and an opportunity to meet many teams we don’t often see at our regionals. We hope to return to WVROX in 2026.

In September, we attended our local RoboRodeo event in Knoxville. At this event, we focused on getting as many new team members as possible to attend, drive the robot, and work as part of the pit crew. We often find that local events are toughest for getting a consistent crew, so we had many new people moving in and out of this event, ultimately a net positive for the team.

In October, we attended GRITS in Dalton, GA. Our goal at this event was to run our drive team, pit crew, pit judging, and scouting as close to 2025 regional status as possible. We had only 14 team members attending, but this two-day event really allowed us to get into a rhythm with our new team structure. We also got a chance to experience the updated alliance selection process before a 2025 regional.

Mock Kickoff

We hosted a mock kickoff in November to practice reading the rules and analyzing the strategy of the 2018 FRC game, Power Up. Unlike previous years, we held the Mock Kickoff during two different regularly scheduled lab sessions. This led to increased participation and gave team members time to think about the game in between the two meetings. Team leadership split up into groups of 4-5 students and discussed strategy– doing our best to suppress conversations about robot mechanisms and focusing on possible gameplay actions. We explained our drive team expectations to new and veteran team members. Here’s our Mock Kickoff slides, with a game analysis process and some representative robots archetypes from 2018.


Our code team has brought on four new members, and is now the largest it has been in ten years. With the influx of students, teaching has become a major priority. New members were taught Basics of Java and WPIlib and PID Theory through slideshow presentations, accompanied by exercises. In November, the new members coded a swerve drive robot using YAGSL by themselves. For our libraries this year, we plan to use Northstar for vision, Choreo for pathing, and YAGSL for swerve drive. On the electrical side, our 2024 robot had a random shutdown issue that plagued us for some time. As our code got more complex (and remained unoptimized) we needed more memory, and thus purchased a RoboRio 2.0 to try to address the issue. So far, we seem to have resolved the electrical issues we saw mid-season in 2024, though we’ve unsure if the issue was at its core related to our roborio, network switch, CAN wiring, or something else. We also got lots of soldering practice, as we plan on soldering all CAN wires for our robot again next year.


Over the summer, we received a grant from SAMPE Foundation to develop educational materials for FIRST teams about composites. This partnership with SAMPE arose from materials science experience within our mentor group and also an existing materials science curriculum at our school. A primary goal with SAMPE over the next 2 years is to create between four and eight sets of supplementary videos, lesson kits, and instructions for FIRST teams to incorporate composites and materials science concepts into robot design. We are hoping that our 2025 robot design will allow us to reasonably include some custom carbon fiber parts into our build alongside our other composites education goals. Our first order of business was to learn how to make carbon fiber parts and teach the process within our team. We created a Standard Operating Procedure document after several rounds of practice and training with vacuum infusion.

This fall, we trained the majority of our team on what composite materials are and how to manufacture carbon fiber plates using a vacuum resin infusion process. As part of this larger composites materials project, we’ve secured numerous donations of composites manufacturing materials that we will eventually distribute to other FIRST teams. We’ve started presenting workshops on composites for FIRST teams, including a workshop at our FTC Kickoff event in September and upcoming FRC kickoff workshops, both for East TN teams. Our FTC kickoff composites workshop can be found here.

We recently designed a belt cover for our 2024 Crescendo robot to test out our processes for composite manufacturing. Our CAD team designed the geometry of a belt and pulley cover for our Crescendo robot, we 3D printed a mold, then we did a wet layup process using Kevlar/epoxy to make the part. Several mechanical team members are completing an online training through ACE Manufacturing on machining with carbon fiber.

Starting the 2025 Season

Our kickoff plan will be very similar to the previous couple years: we’ll join other East TN teams for a local kickoff event, present and attend several workshops for teams, watch the game reveal, then return to our lab for 2 days of rules reading and strategy analysis. We’ll work through the game manual in small groups for a few hours in the afternoon following kickoff.

We’ve found that structured, full-team rules discussions involving heavy facilitation from team leads and mentors works best for us. We split into groups of 4-6 team members and start reading. After about an hour, we re-group for a larger discussion about overall game observations. Next, we move to a World Cafe style discussion. We have 5 main discussion rooms: Robot Rules, Arena Layout, Autonomous/End Game, Scoring and Penalties, and Tournament Structure. Each discussion topic has a student lead coordinating and taking notes. All other team members will rotate through each topic in ~20 minute blocks, answering topic questions and finding details within the game rules to add to our notes. After 5 rotations, we again regroup as a full team and present our findings from each topic. Our focus on day one is only on the gameplay and game structure, not on robot designs, mechanisms, archetypes, etc.

In the evening, team members are encouraged to continue reviewing rules, discuss topics through our team Discord, and complete the Citrus Circuits rules test. Day two is focused on potential robot actions and strategies. By the end of the day of Sunday, we anticipate having a tentative ranking of gameplay actions and robot attributes, listing them as Demand, Prefer, Wish, or Not Attempting. We’ll share that list here on January 5th. For us, defining the “not attempting” list is very important and one of the earliest decisions made. Our priority list may still shift a bit in the first 7-10 days of build season, but will guide our prototyping in week 1 of build season. Our goal is to have a robot fully assembled and functional by February 1st.

We are competing at two regionals in 2025:

Magnolia Regional (Week 3)

Smoky Mountains Regional (Week 6)


1466 Build Thread: Kickoff, Strategy, Prototyping, and Snow Days


We attended a local kickoff event with other East TN teams. We had 28 student team members and 8 mentors attend, which was a great turnout for us. We presented five workshops for local teams, one on composites, one on media, and one on electrical in preparation for kickoff. Most of those are on our YouTube page, the last couple will be uploaded soon.

After the kickoff, we reconvened at our lab space and focused on reading the rules together for Saturday and Sunday. We work in small groups for this, and also do a “World Cafe” discussion style, described in our 2023 build blog. Team members are asked to complete 1678’s rules test.

Season Goals

Back before kickoff, our leadership group got together to outline our season goals before presenting those goals and getting feedback from the rest of the team. For the previous 2 years, we’ve documented our SMART goals and posted them in our lab space.

At the end of our 2024 season, some team members expressed frustration with the way the goals were outlined and the letdown of not achieving those goals. The general consensus was that we did not communicate clearly enough (1) how we break down those goals into daily and weekly actions through the season and (2) that we might not achieve all of our goals. Some of our goals should be stretch goals. This year’s leadership group spent a lot of time in the fall trying to address those concerns in how we select, display, and talk about our goals.

This year, we’ve tried to make our goals poster more interactive, so that we can track our progress in each area on a weekly basis and/or after each event to see how we are doing. We are making sure to refer to the goals poster as often as we can during our “convene” at the beginning of our team meetings. We’re hoping that measuring progress will be motivating and that team members will better understand how their efforts contribute.


With the intention of being an alliance captain or first pick, putting ourselves in a position to win a regional early, focusing on the RP tasks was a focus as of Sunday afternoon. Here’s an abridged version of our priorities list:

Task Should our robot have the ability to do this?
Load coral from HP Demand
Pick up coral from floor Ignore
Score coral L1 Demand
Score coral L2 Prefer
Score coral L3 Prefer
Score coral L4 Wish
Remove algae from reef Demand
Pick up algae from floor Ignore
Score algae in processor Prefer
Score algae in net Wish
Cross to opponent side/drive around or through cages Demand
Park Demand
Climb on shallow cage Ignore (but re-evaluate after prototyping)
Climb on deep cage Demand


Our time for prototyping got cut short as we were not able to access our lab on Friday or Saturday due to inclement weather, losing 8 hours of prototyping time. Knowing that our weekly labtime would likely be cut short, we focused on getting very rough drafts of different coral grippers. One group began to adapt our 2023 gripper to work with coral, and another created a new design using 2 sets of vertical rollers to grab coral from the source. We also spent time determining how high algae could be shot with rollers using drills. We only have access to the clamshell algae pattern, but we found that the distance it could be launched could be sufficient if launched by proper motors, but we ran out of time to properly test. One passive intake mechanism (shown below) was also prototyped for grabbing coral from the station. It was very effective at pickup from straight-on, but when the coral was intaked too far to one side it would skew and get stuck.

We spent a large portion of time prototyping deep climb synergies with other mechanisms, taking inspiration from the Penn State RI3D. We prototyped using a cutout of the middle for holding the cage and using an elevator behind the climbing mechanism.


CAD team has been very busy exploring end effector and robot superstructure designs, with some being more familiar (Virtual Four-Bar), and some being new to our team (Elevators). The elevator design has been a main focus as we have been developing it as the central mechanism of the robot. Our strategy revolves primarily around scoring L1-4 coral, and an elevator mechanism felt the most appropriate to achieve this given the large amount of verticality that L4 coral requires. We have experimented with 1 and 2-stage designs, but so far a 1-stage design with a pivoting end effector seems the most promising.

Both standard pivot and virtual four-bar mechanisms have been explored for this, but which one we land on depends on which gripper prototype is the most effective.


Media team worked on both documentation and production. Many photos were taken, some more seriously than others, but provided a strong base for team media projects going forward and for documentation. We posted a kickoff blog and week one recap on both our Instagram and our YouTube, and also created a scheduled media plan for both serious and goofy content.


We are using YAGSL as our swerve library, and are waiting for the 2025 version so we can get our 2025 drive code up and running. This is our code schedule for the season.


  • Jan 16, Drive Base Driving & Auto Taxi Written
  • Jan 20, Controller support implemented
  • Jan 23, All sensors implemented


  • Feb 2, All Subsystems operational
  • Feb 13, Full Auto support
  • Feb 23, All bugs on subsystems squashed and subsystems doing what they should


  • Mar 1, Clean Successful Autos (3 Coral, Taxi, 2 Coral)

Good news for you then! It came out yesterday! 2025.2.1!

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