FRC 1740 Cyber Colonels | 2025 Build Thread

Starting our first ever build thread!

Team Info

  • Team 1740 Cyber Colonels
  • Hosted out of Ledyard Public High School in Ledyard, CT
  • Longtime title sponsor Dominion Energy (via the nearby Millstone nuclear power station)
  • We have been around since the 2006 season but started making a name in 2020 with the extremely rare 2020 Blue Banner in week 1, followed up by continued high performance in following seasons (look at statbotics to see the improvement)
  • We have around 12 students and 5 mentors active, but hoping a few more students take part during build season
  • Known for such hits as double catapult, the fast little zippy robot, and cheesy reveal videos with AI generated theme songs
  • Registered for the URI district event week 3 and WPI district event week 4

What are you going to see here?

  • I’m hoping to have most posts coming from students rather than myself or other mentors, but we’ll add in content as needed. Expect our software lead @nikod to bring all kinds of madness.
  • Weekly recaps and hopefully at least a post or two mid-week as we generate useful info. This will mostly be technical and focusing on video, pictures, models, etc. to show more than tell. Don’t expect fancy presentations or anything like that.
  • As a small team with limited funding and manufacturing resources expect to see attempts to simplify as much as possible and use a lot of 3D printing. I expect our content to mostly be helpful for “lower end” teams looking for solutions or ideas they can implement.
  • Hopefully a lot of dumb ideas and maybe even a few good ones…


GitHub “I’ll post a real link soon”

I’m looking forward to a great 2025 build season that will definitely go entirely smoothly and successfully with no big hurdles at all. :wink:

Kyle Swaidner
1740 Technical Mentor


One quick post to start out regarding some tools I picked up or put together over the holiday break.

The first is some T-handle drivers. I had bought a couple big sets of cheapo impact driver extensions and decided to use the extras for hand drivers in 1/4" hex, 1/4" square drive, and 3/8" square drive. I modeled up a quick T-handle with a slightly undersized 1/4" hex, printed out of ABS nearly solid (7 perimeters), and then drove the extensions in with a hammer. I can strip the handle if I try hard enough, but it takes enough force to be painful. This would probably work fine with other materials such as PLA as well. Printables link

The second thing is some 4-way combination ratcheting wrenches to keep handy on the robot cart for quick repairs. This specific model includes the majority of fastener sizes we would use on the robot with 5/16", 3/8", 7/16", and 1/2" wrenches in a single tool. I have a few of these in metric sizes that contribute to a compact tool kit for my motorcycles and they seem to work pretty well. Amazon link

One of my favorite teams not all that many people know about!

Looking forward to seeing your season unfold!


these look awesome! i can see them being used for faster tool size identification through color-coding.

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Yeah, I should have used 3 colors for 3 different driver ends.

Hi! Lead programmer here for the Kickoff update!


Okay so we made some interesting design decisions this season. For one our team has a very big problem with specialization. We tend to design the simplest thing design that can do almost everything. We are extremely limited in the space we have available. We don’t have a reliable testing area. That leaves us with a very small amount of testing time which our simple “jack of all trade” designs cut into.

What this means is that we are going to try and make a robot that is focused on one aspect as opposed to scope creeping the entire robot. For instance in 2024, we scored in the speaker and then we had the idea to add a bumper to knock the note into the amp, while it worked, it took a lot of testing time and ultimately lead to unreliability which materialized only later in the season due to variables in the material. The testing time could have been attributed to driver practice which we sorely lacked (and I co-drove I would know).

Aside from design goals we set some targets to measure performance

  • Make States (Top 24 CT)
  • Make District Champs (Top 90 NE)
    (These are both just performance targets, we had very poor performance last season in terms of RPs)
  • Be fully functional in 90% (minimum) - 95% of matches
    (We struggled with this last season, we had a design that failed electrically which will hopefully be fixed by the changes this season)
  • Be first picks or alliance captains every district event
    (We had some issues with being easy to work with (which were mostly my fault, mb chat). That’s not ideal, so one of the goals (my goal) is to just be a better team to work with which will make us a better pick)

That was a lot of history but it’s going to inform our design

2025 Kickoff Design

So this season we did what we do every kickoff and created a "Need, Want, Nice to have" list. Where needs must happen, wants should if possible, and nice to have, nice to have.

High Level Design (General Needs)


  • No pneumatics
  • Large & heavy robot for pushing defenders
  • Low center of gravity
  • Fit through doors
  • Human play agnostic gamepiece loading (“Just chuck it in”)
  • Fast accel between coral pickup and reef
  • 12s cycle between reef and coral pickup
    (4s score, 2s pickup, 3s + 3s travel which allows us (with auto) to fill two reef layers ourselves)

Mechanical (mechanisms & game)

Need (must happen)

  • Climb Shallow (high) (for rp)
  • Remove L2 & L3 algae
  • Score in all levels of the reef
    (L1 (trough) → L4) (L4 may prove impossible but we can hope)
  • Pick up from human player station

Want (If we can)

  • Climb deep (low)

Nice to have (It would be nice)

  • Ground pickup
  • Score algae ( will not )

Software (yippee)


  • Autonomous scoring and loading alignment (too slow to manually align in 2/4s)
  • Vision (needed for auto score & load)
  • An auto that leaves and scores L1
  • An auto that leaves, scores L1 and attempts L4
  • Advantage Kit for logging and vision review
  • Reliability in every single action, even if it’s a little slower.


  • Robot simulation for testing

Nice to have

  • Ability to knock algae during auto, (focusing on L1 & 4 lets us conveniently ignore this)
  • Automated path between pickup and scoring to optimize (this is hypothetically faster)
  • Lots of autos (I’ve got this one)


So we made a lot of choices right off the bat that seem insane without justification. We estimated that the number of algae bots would be quite high compared with the number of available game pieces. So we chose to create a coral only design, in hopes that we could get someone to do algae. We reckoned that forgoing algae means that we need L4 scoring because it will probably go unfilled.

We also figured that being max weight and size is very worth it because we anticipate a lot of robot traffic / defense in between the pickup and scoring. As well, it also doesn’t hurt us because it’s short distances to travel.

We decided that the ability to finish the coral RP ourselves was a goal we wanted. By focusing on L4 and L3 that leaves mixed algae / coral bots to fill in the lower spots. What this means is we have to be fast. Since we are aiming for 1 L1 and one L4 in auto, to fill up two coral layers we need 8 more coral, 105s / 8 ~= 12s (30s for climb + sloppy drive time per cycle). We calculated at max speed the travel time between the coral pickup and the nearest reef was 6s round trip using Kraken X2 swerve. That leaves us 6 seconds every cycle to pickup and score, which is insane, but is our target.


How are we going to pickup and score in 6 seconds? We’re aiming for autonomous scoring and pickup, which is a huge software strain that we do not have the testing time for. Because of this (and interest in the project) I have decided that it’s probably a good idea to use Advantage Kit to be able to review logs and rerun them due to the lack of available full scale tests.

The software is ambitious. We are switching from Neo based swerve to WCP Kraken X2. I have never written that. We don’t even have the modules assembled. We also want autonomous scoring as a need, which I have never done. With the switch to Advantage Kit, we’ve also never done that. This season is marked by a lot of change for the team (We don’t even have any seniors!), and yet, we’ve chosen to attempt it.

Let’s be honest, this is a game for teams that have the ability to test. If you don’t have the space, or the practice time, it’s so much harder. We don’t have the space, but that’s part of the game, and I think it’s a part of the game some larger teams miss out on. There’s a charm with building a robot with an absolutely tiny team and working space and yet still being capable. That’s my goal this season. I’d like to be able to say, despite our teams size, we will be able to perform at a high level.


We made a repo!


We don’t meet on Sundays so I decided to throw together some simple 3D printed internal fittings to make a geometrically correct Reef rack at home. They are printed in halves with a vertical section cut to ensure correct layer orientation for strength and also to print easily. Fit already seems good with the test pieces and some 1 1/4" schd40 PVC. I’ll probably make a standalone post about this once I have a full set to test and maybe tweak dimensions.

Onshape Link


Update for Friday 1/10:

Not a whole lot to report over the 3 meetings we have had since kickoff, sadly. Defining a robot architecture that the team wants to pursue is going very slowly due to a combination of inexperience (no experienced design students and no off-season training) along with a bit of shiny object syndrome. Every time we start to converge on a concept something new is brought up and the old idea is dropped. We are going to have to make a decision on something Saturday to allow real prototyping to begin. The current leading concept is a play on the RustHOUNDS Ri3D build using a WCP Swerve X2 drivebase.

Some prep work has been started while conversation on design was ongoing. We usually only have 5 or 6 students at a meeting so we can’t really split up into specialties while continuing concept work.

  1. Four students assembled the new X2 swerve modules that came in last week. Everyone was happy with the build guide and ease of assembly. We intend to assemble the modules into a rolling chassis on Saturday, but are stuck with that until back-ordered Krakens eventually arrive (we ordered late November so I hope we are part of the January shipments rather than mid-February).

  2. A couple of students finished removing all mechanisms from our 2024 robot and started mounting the Orange Pi and cameras we purchased for Photon Vision testing. Once that is finished the programmers will start playing with vision assisted alignment to the reef and loading station positions. This is another thing that should have been figured out in the off-season, but @nikod says he is very smart/dedicated and can handle it :wink:.

  3. A simplified reef section and table mounted loading station ramp were built. Both are minimized in size because we have to fit everything the team owns in a small closet attached to the fitness room every night. The reef branches used two variants of the 3D printed design I posted about previously; one with only PVC and plastic connectors, the other with a 54" long piece of 3/4" steel conduit embedded in the upright. Testing both by hand the PVC only variant it too flexible to be of much use, but the reinforced version feels great. We will be converting the flimsy over with new printed joints on Saturday.

Hopefully we will have some more exciting news for the next update!


We managed to get a bit more done at today’s meeting and also enjoyed some delicious chili that parents brought in for the team.

  1. The students decided they wanted to pursue a RustHOUNDS style robot that has a passive ramp intake and an elevator with a pivoting arm and passive end effector to “dunk” coral onto the reef. This design minimizes the active DOF while potentially being a very fast coral machine if tuned well, and it should be easy to build using the parts and resources we currently have available. A few enhancements were discussed to address the shortcomings that we noted in the videos and CAD review. L1 scoring is a bit janky so we want to look at giving the staging shelf for the coral (where the claw picks it up) the ability to also eject the coral directly onto L1 (also gives scoring capability if the arm is broken). The other big mod is potentially adding a separate algae removal arm on the side of the elevator fixed stage to allow simultaneous algae removal while scoring on L4.
    We also created a test rig with some lumber, a cart, and 3D printed parts to get a feel for dunking behavior using different arm lengths as we trimmed inches off the PVC arm incrementally. All this will feed into CAD work next week.

  2. We took the X2 swerve modules and assembled them into a 30"x30 chassis with some cross rails for mounting an elevator. This will potentially get cut down by 2" in either dimension, but we are starting with full size for now since you can’t add length back on to the tubes. Elevator kit parts were all delayed in shipping due to weather but we expect to get that assembled and mounted on the chassis Monday-Tuesday.

  3. After 3-4 hours of chasing electrical problems and updating software we got the 2024 drive chassis back to full operation. Cameras and pi have been added to start tuning in Photon Vision next week. I’m hopeful that I can get someone to tidy up the wiring a bit as well before it is driven hard.

Our plan for week 2 is to break off the software students to work on vision systems while the rest of the team finalizes a notional design and builds at least the elevator with scoring mechanism and intake system. That will allow physical testing and design validation by pushing around the chassis by hand while we wait for motors.