Week 3,
Another week of working hard and making good progress on our robot, despite the weather conditions. Like said previously, we are constructing our robot with an under-the-bumper intake that will shoot the game pieces out of the arm, and swerve modules. All of our subteams have continued to work on each important aspect of our robot.
Our hardware design subteam!
On our to-do list, the hardware team is striving to work on multiple things. Such as a hook & climber, intake design, shooter angler, electronics, camera mounts, and finalizing our launcher. Starting the week, hardware design is finalizing on perfecting the gear ratio for the angle of the shooter. Also converting our designs in CAD to parts with the hardware fabrication team.
Also, after all that we found we needed adjustments to our launcher again, both for serviceability and for being able to interface with the intake we needed to remove the cutout in the front of the bottom launcher plate. We also started to mock up electronics in this small form factor robot which will be quite a challenge to fit everything. Luckily we have no plans to add pneumatics. This is further exaggerated by the fact we found out that we needed to shorten the planned electronics area half an inch to have it not run into the launcher when at handoff position with the intake. The most up to date document is here.
Hardware Fabrication team!
The fabrication teams to-do list consists of a few things like bumpers fabrication. Mounting lights on our toolbox, and trimming our toolbox. Last week there to-dos were working on welding our frame, and adjusting our launcher which they have finished! *For more details go to week 2
They ran into some issues with ease of assembly of the launcher pivot, so hardware design and fabrication are collaborating on a solid block mount that has a hex hole broached into it, bolt holes drilled and tapped from the top, and then sawn in half so removing the launcher can be accomplished by removing 4 bolts. Here’s a quick side view sketch:
Also, during assembly we damaged 2 redux through bore kits, and in response to that we’ve modified the redux case from the STEP files on their website to be something very robust that we can 3D print and use. These will be getting printed tomorrow.
Damage to the stock mounts
Finally, our controls team. Last week they had a big list of things to work on. They have gotten their april tags reading with the minipc, path planner, launcher, intake, and launcher angle subsystems completed. On their to-do list, are things like working on calibrating our cameras, and shooter and angler subsystems.
We found that we were having issues with the reset pose function provided by YAGSL, but in the meantime we seem to have at least one path planner path running well enough that we’re confident that we’ll be able to leverage it for auto when we get to that point.
We’re also planning to add sensors to our launcher to help with indexing and wasting less time waiting for game pieces to launch.
The yellow circles are to represent photo eyes from a top down perspective, 3 is used to detect once a game piece is all the way in to keep the note from getting destroyed and also just not waste precious battery power and time. We may have this rumble the driver’s controller on the rising edge so they know they have the game piece and should move towards scoring it. 1 and 2 are more interesting, when launching, once the 1st two wheel sets are up to speed, the 3rd wheel set moves the note through the launcher. The launch command can then wait for a state where there is nothing in front of photo sensor 2 but something in front of photo sensor 1, at which point we know the note is exiting, but has not fully exited yet. After that, once both sensor 1 and 2 are clear, we should be able to stop the launcher and return the arm it’s on to a position ready for intaking another note, and probably once again give the driver some cue (LEDs, controller rumble, etc.).
This arrangement may also be useful for amp scoring, as the note could be staged at the very end of the launcher before gently kicking it out.
Also we have the parts to make harnesses for these photo eyes to plug them into the Spark Flexes on the arm so the wiring doesn’t have to run back to the rio, nor do we risk having a Rio 5v rail failure (we’ve noticed in the past this seems to be very sensitive to brownout and/or metal shavings causing the entire rail to shut down) derailing an entire match.
Also controls and hardware design has been working together on camera mounts. We’ll put all of our OV9281s in modified versions of this case, and have mapped out the hFOVs of our camera to determine mounting points, and made mounts for them in this OnshapeDocument
Here’s that map of our camera HFOVs from above, this is assuming that apriltags can be read from about 20 feet away.
Some pictures of the current state of our practice bot. Also, not much in the way of updates on the climber at this moment, seeing others mockups we’re reasonably confident we’ll be able to make one and have it on the robot for Northern Lights, so we’ve effectively deprioritized it in favor of having the rest of the robot available to start driver practice and autonomous.
That solid block mount for the pivot we mentioned earlier will be modified to allow for clearance such that the camera can exist right on the corner. These mounts all tilt the camera 20 degrees upward and 20 degrees outward.