FRC 2004 game Manual

Does anybody have the FRC 2004 game manual? I’m looking for the number of balls that were available that year. I tried searching around on the Internet for it but did not find it. If anybody has could they email me/contact me or put it up for everyone?

Here you go:

Have a good one :]

if my memory serves me correct. there were 36 (18 on each side) small purple five point balls, 4 (two on each side, mainly used for autonomous) small yellow ten point balls and (i think) 3 2x multiplier big balls that had a 34" diameter

your better off looking in the manual though
anything not from FIRST < Game Manual and updates handed down by FIRST

Thank you!!!
I just confirmed that those score values and ball quantities are correct with the manual. For some reason I had thought that they only provided links to the manual up to 2006, but obviously that was incorrect.
Thanks again