FRC 2016 Q&A Link not working

I’m trying to access the FRC 2016 Q&A system via the link ( that’s on the FRC website.

Can anyone please post a link to the FRC 2016 Q&A system that actually works?

Does this link not work for you?

That link works - you have to have https

Interestingly, they changed the Stronghold Game and Season Materials page with a new description and link to Q&A. They just have FIRST FRC Q&A System which doesn’t work.

Are you using the login information from your team’s TIMS page?

I’m using the http://… link from the usfirst public website. This link doesn’t work and I’ve notified FIRST.

The https://… link does work.

Thanks for your help.

Not everybody has access to the Q&A. It is password protected so as to make sure only a couple of folks from each team have access in an attempt to make sure that questions are discussed internally before being posted. Were FIRST not to do this, they would be overwhelmed with questions - more than they could possibly answer… The primary contacts on your team can easily find the login information by signing in to their TIMS account… The password is in a list of all sorts of goodies -such as FirstChoice, etc.

Everybody can see the posted questions & answers. You only need to log on ask a question. The link to Q&A was bad from the firstinspires web site this morning.