Just curious if there is a mechanism reach limit vertically on a robot? I know as long as everything fits within the parameters its legal but is there a specific reach limit for the mechanism for climbing?
Thank you
Just curious if there is a mechanism reach limit vertically on a robot? I know as long as everything fits within the parameters its legal but is there a specific reach limit for the mechanism for climbing?
Thank you
I would advise checking the manual, specifically under the game rules. I know it’s in there. Be back with a number ref.
G17. No further restriction is given, but the game element will be restrictive enough.
There is no rule limit, but practical limits will apply. Essentially, you can extend upwards as far as you want in the endgame (at least in the Rendezvous Point) but the mechanism of the Generator Switch is going to impose a practical upper limit. Since you can’t hang on any part of the mechanism above the Handle (i.e., below the second rung), any extension above 91" will be very dangerous, since you might end up catching an illegal part of the Switch with your hanging mechanism. Really, you don’t need to reach above about 82" (which includes room for your hooks) in order to grab the the bar of the Switch even at its highest point. If you have a relatively heavy robot, you’ll probably never even need to do that, though it doesn’t hurt to plan for it anyway.
Ok thank you so much!!!
I know you mentioned climbing specifically, but it’s good to note that according to G17 robots cannot exceed 45 in. during everything but endgame:
G17. Tall ROBOTS not allowed. ROBOT height, as measured when it’s resting normally on a flat floor, may not exceed 45 in. (~114 cm) above the carpet during the MATCH, with the exception of ROBOTS intersecting their ALLIANCE’S RENDEZVOUS POINT during the ENDGAME.
I’ll keep that in mind, thank you so much for the input!!!
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