FRC 2079 Alarm Robotics | 2024 Build Thread | Open Alliance

ALARM Robotics 2079

Welcome to team 2079 Alarm Robotics’ build thread! We are extremely excited about the 2024 season and hope to have a successful and prosperous year. We are a team based in Franklin, MA and are eager to share with everyone our build thread for this season.

Important Links

January 21st - January 27th

Shooter: Created one method of a shooter and tested it. Method involved using two wheels on one side of a plank of wood connected to a motor. The two wheels were connected using two gears and a belt. This turned out to be a success!

Intake: Built a prototype intake system using two steel shafts, 2 inch wheels and a NEO Vortex Motor.

Video Footage of the Shooter:

Picture of the Intake System:


Problems Encountered:

  • Swerve Code not deploying with 2024 systems

January 28th - February 3rd

Intake: Intake System is on the robot with many 2 inch wheels and longer steel shafts. Design is successful with few changes needed.

Video Footage of Intake

Video Footage of Shooter

CAD: Updated the robot on Onshape to see if design is possible. It is 22’’ x 22’’ with a 6’’ extension for the intake system. It is currently 85 pounds and building is being started.


Problems Encountered:

  • Still having trouble with the Swerve Drive Code not deploying with updated motors

Did you update the firmware on your PDH? We are meeting on Monday Wednesday Thursday and Saturday this week if y’all want to swing by and debug it with us… (open door all season just send me a PM if y’all ever want to swing by so I can make the cookies)


February 4th - February 10th

Created Calculations for the shooter/arm for the current robot and field CAD.

Image of Calculations

Created CAD for two versions of robot with different shooter angles and heights of the robots. Compared both versions through a generated visual of the robots scoring into the amp. In the end decided to go with original design.

Image of Original Version

Image of Modified Version

February 11th - February 17th

CAN bus: Installed kraken motors to the robot and connected the robot to power. Also wired up the CAN bus, however it needed to be debugged. CAN bus debug was loaded back to the Swerve base code and ran even though we didn’t enable it. As a result, the debugging was done, but the right front kraken motor could not be found on the CAN bus. Ended up taking apart the motor itself and the issue was resolved.

Image of Robot Connected to Power

Image of Wired up CAN bus

Parts: Huge Thank You to Bauer Ct for all the laser cut plates! Took less than a week to cut and ship it to our shop. The total weight for the plates including 4 steel and aluminum hooks is 10.8 lbs.
Link to Bauer’s website
Image of plates lasercut by Bauer

Robot: Intake is finally completed along with the belly plate installed. Shooter is also almost ready.

Image of Intake

Image of the Installed Belly Plate

Image of Shooter

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February 18th - March 3rd

We would like to take a minute to apologize as we have noticed that we have never sent an application to become part of the Open Alliance and have unjustly put their name on our Build Thread. If there is a way to remove this from our topic name, please let us know. Thanks!

Intake and Shooter both were tested to ensure consistency. The Intake was tested at 50% speed and Shooter at 90% speed. Shooter was also mounted to the arms of the robot. After, Intake and Indexer were tested for effortless and synchronized motion. Now, Shooter is working well and just needs to be synced better with the Indexer of the robot.

Video of Intake

Video of Shooter

Bumper: Created one bumper that can alternate between red and blue with Velcro sides for efficiency and simplicity.

Image of Bumper in Progress

Climber arms: Consists of two telescopic arms with springs attached to falcon motors and a rope to either increase or decrease the arms’ heights.

Images of Climber Arms

Plugged robot data into Grafana, an open source platform that can help visualize data in a graphical way.

Video of Robot Arms on Grafana

Driving Practice with Hydra (Our New Robot Name): Big Shoutout to Franklin Public Library for all their time and support with our robotics team this season! They have been crucial for some critical testing of the robot (Hydra) and allowing us to practice driving around a designated space in the library.

Video of Driving Practice

Problems encountered, but fixed:

  1. One of the falcon motors had been not turning properly and kept making concerning noises. Was fixed with shorter screws.
  2. The USB port of a Neo Vortex motor was completely damaged. Was fixed by rewiring the circuit board of the port to allow for the devices to negotiate how much power to support.

March 4th - March 6th
Practiced driving at the library with new Speaker and with Completed Robot. Some things to keep in mind

  1. The Intake sometimes gets jammed (would most likely be fixed by being reversible)
  2. Notes occasionally get pas Indexer and end up in chassis of the robot
  3. Indexer wires came loose

Glimpse of our Drivers Practice

Image of Speaker

Image of Robot with Bumper

Additional Items: Created a part for an expired gear and to help center the note in the intake. Made of CF-Nylon and is very strong. Along with this was the sponsor plate that has all sponsors labeled on polycarbonate plate. Also installed LED lights to the robot for design and making it look more visually alluring overall.

Image of 3-D Printed Part for Expired Gear

Image of Sponsor Plate

Image of Final Version of Hydra

March 8th - March 10th: BSU Week 2 Competition

Record for Qualifications was 7-5-0. Ended up getting picked by the Timberwolves of Walpole, MA (Team 1153) and the LigerBots of Auburndale, MA (Team 2877) as Alliance 5. We persevered through the Playoffs and made it to the Finals against Alliance 1 which was made up AIR STRIKE of Newport, RI (Team 78), NUTRONs of Revere, MA (Team 125), and Record Robotics of Belmont, MA (Team 6731). Our record against Alliance 1 was 4-3-0, making our alliance Finalists of the BSU Week 2 Competition. Some general stats include a Ranking Score of 1.67; an Average Coop of 0.33; an Average Match of 46.92; an Average Auto of 19.67; and an Average Stage of 4.42. Congratulations to everybody else that participated at BSU and Good Luck for the rest of your events!

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