FRC 23-24 - Programming Language Survey

Hello all,

We are team 5654 PHOENIX, from Arad, Israel.

Our team has been programming our robot in Python for the last few years, and is considered one of the leading teams using Python.

In order to understand the distribution of different programming language in FRC, we would be glad if you contribute and answer the attached survey.

In addition, we offer our help and support using python in FRC, via our team alumni:

Ophir Shmueli

[email protected]

Thank you and good luck!

FRC 23-24 - Programming Language Survey

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While the survey clearly goes deeper in terms of why teams pick a particular language and asks what they might switch to in the future, we know what languages teams are actually using from usage reporting data collected by FIRST. Also keep in mind a survey like this is only going to get inputs from users on CD, which is a pretty small cross-section of all FRC teams.

See this post for a nice summary of language usage in 2023 compared to prior years:


Thank you

We are aware to the data youve provided, but while it shows the past, we would like to have a clue of how would it change in the near future.

We are trying to distribute the survey in other platforms than chief delphi as well, in oreder to reach as many teams as possible.

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Is there a specific reason for this survey? Are you considering options other than Python?

In the last years we put a lot of effort helping develop the Python in FRC, and we saw an increasing number of teams using it to program their robot.

In the last year FIRST added Python to its supprted language list, and we would like to see if it has any effect on the number of teams using Python, and understand the growing potential of its usage.

I very much appreciate the work of making Python more mainstream in FRC, as I am very much for the idea of a language that is easier to learn and to read, as FRC programming becomes a little more friendly for newer members, allowing more to learn about programming.

Sadly, Python still has less teams using it than Java, and it’s documentation isnt as full as Java, and it is still a daunting task to switch languages. It’s not enough yet to get some teams to switch, however once Python has more mainstream support, I would love to have my team switch to it, because of the pros listed above, but until then, we’ll likely be continuing our journey mastering Java.

(I said something similar in the form, but wanted to share my thoughts on this post)

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