Season Links
- 2024 Full Robot CAD
- 2024 Code
- 3061-lib: starter project and library focused on a swerve-based drivetrain with several advanced features
- SPOT: modular scouting app platform
Team Links
- 2023 Preseason Thread
- Team YouTube, Website, GitHub, and Instagram
Something our mentors emphasized throughout our leadership workshops was to begin with the end in mind. Therefore, we would like to start our build season thread by explaining our goals for the season and how we’ve developed them. We’ve also shared links to our CAD and code here at the top so you can easily find them throughout the season.
Goal Development
We had a mentor-led leadership workshop to learn about visions, missions, objectives, and goals during the 2022 preseason. Before the 2023 season, we noticed that “what we call our mission is not really a mission, it is just an excerpt from the Impact Award.” Additionally, many of our “goals” were objectives. Then, we had a captain-led leadership workshop to better define what our team wanted to accomplish. Captains led another meeting to refine and consolidate everything we came up with, and eventually, we developed a mission statement, four objectives, and goals to go with each objective for our 2023 season.
This year, we had everything from last year to start with. Mentors led another leadership workshop about visions, missions, objectives, and goals for members who hadn’t heard it before or were unfamiliar with the concepts. For the captain-led workshop this year, we did a top-down review of last year’s mission, objectives, and goals, noting potential changes as we went.
We started with our mission and values: the “why” behind our team. We liked the mission and thought it represented our team well, especially the parts about our community impact and making the world a better place. Then, we focused on objectives, both from the perspective of how they align with the mission statement and which parts are more/less applicable to our team. We do our leadership workshops on Zoom, so we split into four breakout rooms and had each group reflect on one objective before switching to refine another based on another group’s reflection. This allows us to get a larger percentage of the team involved while maintaining small enough groups that everyone can be heard. We had a shared doc to work on, so in between breakouts, each group could share their thoughts.
Our goals are meant to be more specific and concrete than objectives. They should be something quantifiable that we can complete within a year or two. Therefore, we started by evaluating our goals from last year. We reintroduced SMART goals and how to quantify completion as a percentage. Then, we split the team into breakout rooms again to reflect on last year’s goals on another shared document. This highlights goals that were too ambitious or too easy to accomplish, as well as goals that aren’t quantifiable. Based on this reflection, we added more specificity to our goals. During a previous leadership workshop, we also learned about Crucial Influence – proactively reducing barriers to performing vital behaviors – so we also started to think through how our different goals could address different sources of influence to better accomplish each objective.
Over winter break, captains reviewed the documents and incorporated the changes for this season. Here is just the document with the changes we made highlighted.
Here are the changes we made and why for each objective and set of goals:
Maintain and Build Relationships with the Community
We didn’t change this objective. For goals, the team focused on adding relevant specificity. For example, we changed our goal from everyone on our team having 8 service hours to 80% having 8 and the median being 11 hours. This is more realistic and highlights how frequently we want members doing more than the minimum. We also changed from each district FLL team having at least one student mentor to the assigned student mentors participating in at least one meeting each week, which better defines the support we want to provide. We moved winning the impact award to our fourth objective, Become a World Class Robotics Team. While this objective can contribute to winning the Impact Award or Engineering Inspiration, winning those awards isn’t a requirement before we can engage with our community.
Strengthen our Robotics Family
We reworded the last sentence to clarify the purpose of this objective. This objective is one that we’ve struggled to come up with specific goals for. We removed our goal to do surveys of team members because we didn’t do it last year and we think there are better ways to strengthen our family. We also added three new goals. We want to help every member find a subteam they enjoy, model team values starting with the leadership team, and have a team value moment every week.
Prepare Team for the Future
We added “leaving comprehensive notes” in addition to training, certification, and workshops “to create valuable resources that prompt collaboration.” We added more specificity to these goals. We defined “certified in one subteam” as “certified in at least 50% of subteam processes” to allow for new members who are still learning. Instead of “work on large projects,” we quantified it as “explore at least one major project in each subteam.” We considered specifying completing 4 FPM projects but decided to focus on subteams instead to ensure growth across the whole team. We added a deadline to when we want subteam standardization to be navigated by new members. We also added a goal to retain 80% of members throughout the season so that everyone gains experience and can continue to pass down knowledge.
Become a World Class Robotics Team
We removed the explanation of the world championship and added being both a member of the Open Alliance and a sustainable model for other teams to this objective. For goals, we added having no major failures, winning the Impact or EI award at a competition, and posting weekly for Open Alliance throughout the season. We also added building a robot that meets all design requirements. These are all goals that we met or almost met during the 2023 season or preseason, and we defined them to remind us to continue our efforts in these areas.
Mission, Objectives, and Goals Development Resources
- Mentor-Led Workshop
- Captain-Led Workshop
- Captain-Led Slides
- Objectives Reflection Handout
- Goals Reflection Handout