FRC 3181 Pittsford Robotics 2024 Build Thread

Off-Season Updates
This season we are committed to keeping our Chief Delphi threads up to date on what we’re working on. This year, our student leadership participated in a leadership training boot camp that was led by team 1511, Rolling Thunder. The training will hopefully give us a better prepared leadership team this season.

Our team has switched from Fusion 360 to Onshape, which is a more accessible software platform for our team to use. Working online allows our CAD team to work more efficiently, because we had issues with our previous software, which was not efficient for multiple people to work simultaneously on pieces/ projects. We also have some off-season projects being worked on, such as our prototype button board concept, which was proposed by one of our students.

(Our Onshape link is coming soon)

We have several programmers in training, and they’ve all learned how to make their own simple robot project, where the “A” button on an Xbox controller turns on a certain motor. We’ve introduced our new members to our current robot code, as well as train them on our swerve code. We’re working on improving our swerve drive code with the help of our programming mentor. Recently, we’ve tuned our PID used to orient the robot, and experimented with alternate driving methods!

Here’s an example of the project:

We ordered 8 of Rev’s MAXSwerve modules in order to use them for the 2023 season. However, some of our kits were missing a few specific bearings, and we were unable to use 3 swerve modules last competition. We have since ordered a pack of bearings so that we can get them working.

Our electrical lead has been training the sub team on the basic tools, as well as soldering practice. Our electrical sub team as a whole has been working on a prototype electrical board that hopefully our programming sub team can use as a test bed.

If you’re interested in more of how our team operates, here’s our 2023 Season Build Thread:
Team 3181’s 2023 Build Thread
