The SuperNURDs are excited to announce we will be running another build thread this year to document our progress and discoveries over the 2025 build season! We had a great time last year and hope that we provided some valuable resources!
Expect weekly recaps videos posted on the following dates:
This offseason we decided to be more ambitious we have in any prior year, doing many new projects, initiatives, and public resources!
2024 Accomplishments:
Built a new offseason robot
Built a rookie football shooter robot
Held zoom calls with other 9 FRC teams across the world!
Created new circulumn for teaching new students
Got to collaborate with some amazing groups/organizations on social media
Hit over 260 million instagram views!
2024 Offseason Robot “Two-Face”
This robot was made by our veteran students, beginning in July, and competed at Battle at the Border, and Beach Blitz! We tried many new things on this robot, like our sheet metal elevator “Plate-Evator”, 3D printed flywheel hubs, a 25x25 swerve drive, and double sided belts. We learned many things as a team and are very grateful for the knowledge it gave us!
This offseason, we developed 3 different mini mechanical projects to teach our rookies before build season, with an offseason robot being their final project. These 3 mini projects are the, “Dice Project”, “Fidget Spinner Project”, and “Sheet Metal Car Project”. This year the offseason, “Sport robot”, was designed to shoot footballs, with a parent showcase being their competition and motivation to get the robot finished.
We had a great experience learning how to properly operate and run these projects, with many lessons learned. Some portions/projects turned out great, and others needed far more development time.
Very cool to see how y’all approached a football robot! Did any prototyping go into this in terms of getting the football to orient correctly in that funnel? Would love to see some of that.
3255 had one of the best build blogs last season and more people should be paying attention to this thread!
To go along with our CAD releases, below are all of our code repositories on GitHub. All of our robot code from every previous years, along with our SuperCORE standard java library, are all publicly available on our main GitHub.
This offseason our team decided to switch to a state machine coding paradigm in order to make more robust and error tolerant code. We believe this was a successful experiment and plan to embrace state machines in the build season as well.
Another major change this off-season was to embrace WPILib’s new Unit libraries. We found in the past that a lot of our “code gremlins”, were due to incorrect unit conversions. We found that leveraging the units library as well as moving away from NetworkTables based RobotPreferences resulted in less human error.
Yes! it was rather difficult to get the football to orient correctly, we started with our “Cardboard Aided Design”, hopper, to get the ball to flow to a set of rollers. Once in the hopper on the real robot we initially had difficulty getting the ball to feed from the transfer to shooter uniformly, but added 1 sheet angled polycarbonate at the bottom, reduced the wheel size, and it began working much better!
Heres a short timetable of how we run our kickoff meeting! Let me know if you have any questions. We ran a mock kickoff today with ourselves and FRC Team 9730, the Metal Maniacs, following a similar structure, but with the FRC 2019 Game, Destination Deep Space!
During our meeting today we ran cycles with our 2024 robot on the fully taped field to get an idea of how fast cycle times would be. We discovered we could score 22 pieces when having an intake on the front and an outake on the rear. There are many factors/variables, but running a robot on a taped field taught us a lot about the game!
In all seriousness, thanks for doing these driving trials. The Kitbot driven and programmed well should be putting up over 40 points a match at these rates.
(also, nice to see the CNC and concrete tables have found less obtrusive homes)
Realism isn’t really the point here; I do agree that this many cycles isn’t that realistic haha (unless we’re talking Einsteins or something). Does raise some questions on the difficulty of the 15-20 coral rp though
The point of the exercise was to see what our limiting factors would be in a match. It looks like driving won’t be one of them; lineup and mechanism movement will end up determining how long a cycle is, so we’ll need to prioritize those in our design. We also wanted to identify insights such as having an intake on the opposing side of your scorer that will cut down on the already mechanism-dependent cycle time
Those are some pretty fast cycles! If you have another chassis, could you try to see what defended cycles could look like and how big of an impact it has?