FRC 4322 Clockwork | 2024 Build Thread | Open Alliance


Welcome to the Team 4322 Clockwork Open Alliance build thread for the 2024 season! This is our first year on openalliance and our 13th season as a team. We are a student-led community team from Orange, CA. We currently have 24 students across 4 different school districts and 7 schools. We will be competing at the Hueneme Port Regional (week 1) and the Aerospace Valley Regional (week 6). We plan to post after every meeting. We plan to meet for around 32 hours per week in person, but this may change depending on if we are behind or do not have student/mentor coverage.


We are aiming to build a simple and reliable robot in 4 weeks to allow for lots of testing and practice so we can fail faster and fix issues early on. During kickoff, we are going to find a specific niche in the game and aim to get really good at doing that challenge since it is not within our resources to do everything. We are also aiming to be a first pick at the events we attend.





Facebook: FRC Team 4322 - Clockwork - Crew 1701


2024 Main Robot Assembly CAD (Onshape): Onshape

Code: GitHub - 4322/2024_Robot: CRESCENDO


1/3-1/4 Update


  • Preseason
    • Design process flowchart
    • Limitations
    • Scouting
    • Kickoff to champs schedule
      • Why build a robot in 4 weeks when there are 7 weeks of build season
    • Evergreen rules
    • Kickoff plans
      • Rules miro board
      • Manual Review
      • Strategy “bad” “mid” “good” “elite” robot characteristics sheet
      • Brainstorming/research
      • Prototyping/KrayonCAD
    • Monitoring different Open Alliance teams to learn from them throughout build season


  • CADded most of the swerve drive base
    • Missing belly pan, bumpers, and swerve covers
    • Added the modules and tubes


  • Replaced fried spark max on drivebase (Nemo)
  • Started working on adding 16t pinions to 2024 MK4i modules (SHUTDOWN)
    • Printing out spacers to put on the falcon shaft


  • Added CAN IDs for Nemo drivebase
  • Nemo doesn’t currently work
    • Calculated feed forward value isn’t updating properly
    • Testing out open loop voltage control instead of generic PID method


  • Painted storybook for Impact Award (halfway done)
  • Went to machine sponsor shop and got a tour

1/6 Kickoff Update

  • Analyzed rule manual
    • Section 6 as a team
    • Sections 5, 7, and 8 in groups
      • Came back together as a team so groups could present findings (had rookie students share their group findings to make them feel more included/welcome to participate)

  • Strategy
    • Split back up into groups to determine qualities of a bad, mid, good, and elite robo
    • Came together as a team to share our characteristic lists
    • Came up with a combined strategy as a team based on the lists that students came up with in groups

  • Brainstorming, researching, and prototyping
    • Split into subsystem groups to brainstorm and research mechanism ideas
      • Subsystems: climber, outtake, intake
      • Climber group ideas (put a pause on the climber group since it depended on the intake and outtake groups)
        • GreyT Telescope with hooks (WCP)
        • Custom telescope with hooks
        • Winch and pulley hook
        • Custom cascading elevator with hooks
        • GreyT cascade elevator (WCP)
        • Custom continuous elevator with hooks
        • Buddy climber on both sides (pick up both alliance partners)
        • Buddy climber on back (pick up one alliance partner)
        • Currently leaning more towards a telescope or winch and pulley hook than an elevator
      • Outtake group ideas
        • Dual flywheels on 1 side
        • 1 flywheel of both sides of note
        • Spring loaded puncher
        • Pneumatic puncher
        • Pivoting launcher that can angle up or down
        • Turreted launcher
      • Intake group ideas
        • Funnel ground intake with horizontal wheels
        • Intakes note into circular cutout which gets pushed down into outtake mechanism
        • Internal belt/pulley system to hand off game piece to outtake system
    • Added all ideas to technical documentation with pros and cons
    • Prototyped an outtake
    • Prototyped an intake/outtake handoff
  • Continued working on 2023 Nemo drivebase to get it ready in time for mounting prototype intake and outtake

1/7 Kickoff Day 2 Update

Brainstorming, researching, and prototyping

  • Outtake subsystem horizontal outtake
    • 2 horizontal shafts of 4 inch compliant hubbed wheels with ½ inch compression on the note (5 wheels in a 2-1-2 pattern with 3.5 inch spacing between the wheel groups)
    • 2 horizontal shafts of vertical 4 inch compliant hubbed wheels in a 1-1-1
  • Outtake subsystem vertical side wheel outtake
    • 2 vertical shafts with replaceable wheels and adjustable compression
    • Wheels are attached to falcon motors and are connected to 2023 nemo drivebase
    • Testing out on varying wheel speed on each side to create spin so note won’t wobble in air
  • Intake subsystem
    • 2 long horizontal shafts with replaceable wheels and adjustable vertically and horizontally
    • Wheels are driven by two drills, one for each shaft
    • Testing out varying wheel types and different vertical and horizontal distance between the two shafts.
  • Added all ideas to technical documentation with pros and cons

1/10 Update


  • Horizontal outtake with colson wheels
    • 1.5 inch wheels on the outsides and 2 inch wheel in the middle
    • PVC spacers and 3d printed hex spacers
  • Horizontal outtake with colson wheels V2
    • Added another 1.5 inch colson wheel to one side of the outtake
    • Will test at our meeting on Friday

  • Vertical outtake with colson wheels
    • Weaker than horizontal outtake, but was very consistent
    • Did multiple tests and the launch distance was very near in all trials
  • Note is getting shredded in our prototypes


  • Added swerve covers to the robot CAD


  • Working on getting auto chooser to work in shuffleboard
  • Converting 2024 SwerveX Neo drivebase to MK4i Falcon drivebase
  • Working on creating a generic interpolator to determine how to launch notes

By any chance, are the sizes you’re referencing here the radius of the wheel, rather than the diameter? Typically in FRC wheels are sized by diameter, and the size of the wheels compared to what I assume is a 1/2in hex shaft would indicate those wheels aren’t 1.5in or 2in diameter (rather 3in and 4in diameter).

Juat clarifying while I research ideas for our team. Im enjoying the blog posts, keep em coming!


The wheels are 4 inch diameter on a ½ inch hex shaft. The 1.5 inch and 2 inch was in reference to the wheel width.


1/12 Update


  • Horizontal outtake with colson wheels V2.5
    • Added a piece of 2x4 under the prototype to angle it up
    • Added another 2x4 and a cardboard cut out to make feeding NOTES to the mechanism more consistent
  • Vertical outtake
    • Going to use polychord and pulleys
    • Everything drilled in wood
    • Ready for assembly and testing at the meeting on 1/13
  • Planned overall design of robot
    • Eliminated having amp mechanism
    • Can’t decide intake inside frame or deployable over the bumper
      • Will CAD sketch to see more
    • Going to have intake and outtake on opposite sides
      • Good for auto and faster overall because less rotation
    • Adjustable shooter angle
  • Got more NOTES from AndyMark
    • Some came squished into an oval shape in the package
      • Tried to compress them back into a circular shape


1/13 Update


  • Horizontal outtake with colson wheels
    • Tested V2.5 outtake with cardboard feeder
  • Tried using 2 inch wheels on the bottom and 1.5 inch on the top

  • Swapped back to V 2.5 and made one of the wheels 1.5 inch instead of 2

  • Created 2d drawing of intake to work out geometry of over the bumper intake

    • Experimented with single pivot design but kept exceeding 12 in
    • Decided to go with 4 bar design
  • CADded ½ inch 0.196 hole pattern on bellypan

  • Discussed different outtake designs and decided on horizontal intake design

  • Fully assembled 1 MK4i module

  • Vertical outtake with rubber compliant wheels

  • Upgraded design to dual wheels on both sides which are attached to the driving wheels
  • Notes were somewhat consistently hitting the same spot, but was much less powerful compared to horizontal outtake
  • Added spin to game pieces by having significantly different motor speeds for each dual-wheel side
    • Made the note fly straighter and improved consistency
  • NOTES got destroyed (orange on carpet is deteriorated NOTE)


1/14 Update


  • Attempted to make horizontal outtake with 4 in Diameter PVC tube
    • Was very wobbly and decided not to pursue it

  • Rebuilt the horizontal prototype set up to allow for easy changes in compression and a stronger structure
    • Swapped out wheel config to 6 inch diameter colsons
    • Had to add a gear reduction, so it doesn’t launch with full power


  • Looked into GreyT Telescope from WCP for climber
    • Want to buy individual components for it because tube length is too large for our design requirement
  • Robot CAD
    • Added some of the electronics to bellypan
      • Layout doesn’t work with the intake on one side outtake on other side concept because not much space
        • Thinking about suicide mounting
    • Created battery mount
    • Worked on intake CAD


  • Began researching how to integrate Choreo and Pathplanner for autos
  • Tried to display double arrays onto shuffleboard for Nemo drivebase drive tuning
    • Using list layout and adding each double in the array separately

1/15 Update


  • Worked on a new version of the horizontal outtake prototype
    • 6 inch diameter colsons across the whole shaft
      • One side had more spacing than the other side to allow for some spin
    • Smoothed out the wheels

  • Finished 2 mk4i modules
  • Looked into wcp greyT telescope and decided we would need at least 2 stages for it to work but it takes up too much space on the robot


  • Tuning the Nemo drive base
  • Computer vision worked (Note detection)
  • Got a bunch of logs that we can use to tune the drive base without having the robot

Does having more wheels on one side really impart that much spin? Can you see this? Does it show up in accuracy?


The spin shows more when we run the shooter at lower speeds. Since we mainly will be running the shooter at higher speeds, it doesn’t matter too much.


1/17 Update


  • Added 4 inch diameter 50A stealth wheels across horizontal outtake prototype
    • Shoots fast/straight, but was inaccurate due to wobbly shafts
    • Made the NOTE feeder more accurate


  • Restarted the outtake cad
  • Figured out the dimensions for pulleys and belts on the intake


  • Completed 2024 pathplanner integration into 2024 codebase with test auto
    • Will test it on Nemo drivebase once 2024 firmware is flashed onto RIO and driver station is updated
  • Created vector calculator class for updating robot odometry relative to the speaker location
  • Began tuning Nemo drivebase with new FeedForward control implementation
    • Decided to standardize WPI units of m and m/s instead of converting everything to rotations and RPS
    • Used AdvantageKit live data streaming to AdvantageScope to see how well the desired wheel speed is being followed by hardware

How much are your shooter wheels compressing the notes? C-C distance for the shafts? And thanks for all your sharing!


We have 1/2 inch compression on the note. The C-C distance for the shafts is 5.5 inches.


We found slightly better results using a space of 1.75" (.25" compression). Did you do any thorough testing on the differences between the two? Half inch compression would be more resilient to damaged NOTEs I think, however.


Thank you, Anya! Keep up the great work!


We have mainly been testing with .5 inch compression because we think it will hold up better throughout events as notes get damaged and compressed. We are still testing different compressions and wheel configs though.


We are also testing a spring tensioned compression with stops at 1.5" to see if that gets us the best of both for handling fresh notes and damaged notes, but due to lack of notes, this testing isn’t getting much time at the moment.