1/4 Kickoff Update
I mean at least we prepared for this lol
pvc prototyping 12/21/2024
pvc prototyping 12/27/2024
We kinda narrowed down a few things we don’t plan to do almost immediately after watching the video since we wanna build simple and had pvc experience.
- No picking up pvc off the floor (not as simple as coral station. We need simple. We didn’t even really need a discussion on this one because we were all just on the same page. We officially wrote down that we were not doing this on day 2 though because that was when we started the robot decision)
- No deep cage (does not seem simple)
- No shallow cage (does not seem simple)
Some team may come up with something simple for these tasks that we could potentially look at as an upgrade down the line, but as of right now those are very very very hard no’s for us.
We started off with our hour of silent reading. It went pretty well and we were happy with it (we have never done that before and would def do again).
We then went around to see if anyone had questions. We clarified a few things so we were all on the same page and noted down questions we were all unclear of for the q and a.
Then we moved onto scoring analysis and rp
We did humans play the game this year as well to try and give us a better idea of how many pieces robots will likely be scoring in auto and teleop. We had the students walk to get a better idea of what we wanted to be able to do. We used that information and had our students split up into small groups to work on our time based autonomous sheet. The students did the same thing for teleop.
We wanted to see how the robot would handle the field (driving between reef and coral station) so we brought one of our drivebases down to the parking lot and drove it around a little. It was pretty rough since the floor was uneven so not all the modules were touching the ground and we are still working on getting the robot to drive well, but we got an idea of how many cycles a robot may be doing.
We then talked over some of the autos we think we will see in week 3. Honestly, looking at it now with a day 2 perspective we think some of the more difficult ones might even be too much for a week 3.
We ended day 1 talking about potential match strats.
We did get our kitbot but not the 130t belt, 48t pulleys, or wheels, so we are just going to use the 131t belt from the drivebase kit, some 35a compliant wheels, and print our own 48t pulley for right now. We sent the kitbot home with our tech director (me) to make some progress on it before day 2. After a trip to storage, 2 trips to home depot, 2 trips to the machine shop garage, and 4 trips to the robot assembly garage, we finally got most of the kitbot together (not mounting it to the robot because we don’t think that’s worth it). More on the kitbot and the mods we made to it in our day 2 post!
- Did not prototype or decide robot on day 1 (yay)