FRC 4481 Team Rembrandts | 2025 Build Thread | Open Alliance

I see those tests are using the UTB intake side of your robot. Have you tested with the other side or some really low bumper to see if keeping your bumpers lower to the ground would mitigate this?

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They test this in the next video of the playlist.


Henk The KitBot in Action!

Today the issues were finally fixed so we handed the controllers to our 2024-2025 driver and recorded 2 matches doing L1 cycles with our Swerve KitBot called “Henk”. We were able to do about 20-21 cycles in teleop, but it was very hard to keep the Corals inside the robot and place them accuractly on the Reef.

21 Cycles with KitBot


Kitbot cycling with aggressive defense please! (And a few algae scattered on the floor)


I’ll do driver practice sessions the upcoming days, so I will try to put that in the schedule :+1:


I’m sure you said this at some point, but which algae are you testing with (clamshell or crosshatch)?

We have this one


Looks like you guys have a fairly nice barge! Is there a way to get some pictures of that or some drawings so we can determine how best to build ours?

We made a post about our self made field. Let me know if you need more pictures/details of the barge.


How repeatable is this, with the same angle and ejection velocity? Have y’all been able to replicate this success on L4? This looks super promising as a means to reduce cycle times!


We’re lining up the cannon, expect videos soon :fire:


Shooting Coral on L3/L4

We tested a little bit of coral shooting. Note that these tests might be a little bit unrealistic, but they are fun, and we learned that our homemade reef doesn’t have infinite durability :sweat_smile:


Initial Auto Routine Tests

Yesterday, we did some initial test runs of our 4 coral auto routine. As you can see, we don’t have a full robot yet, but we do have TR-XS which can (almost) perfectly mimic how corals are picked up from the coral station and placed on the L4 branches. In the upcoming weeks, our software team is going to implement vision and improve path following, so that we can do a full 4 coral auto when our 2025 development robot is done.


Internal Roller with funnel

We tested our latest version of the internal roller end effector in combination with a simple funnel on the sides and bottom of the gripper. It works pretty well, and we will test with a better build quality soon.


How much time was left in the clock when you were position to place the 4th one? Looks like it could have been over a second.

Yes, there is still some time left after the fourth “coral placement”. Also, I should mention that we limited the max velocity of this robot, so it can be even faster with our 2025 robot (which will be using REV NEO Vortex motors and L1+ SDS MK4n gearing). We’re currently thinking about combining the coral placement in auto with removing the Algae so we don’t have to do that in teleop.


Is Archetype 3 similar to the 2019 971 Spartan robotics robot? Or does it not have a rotating stage with end effector?

Archetype 3 has a two-stage elevator with a fixed angle end effector and a fixed intake funnel. So this design is a bit simpler than 971 2019 :sweat_smile:. Today, we’re making our final decision on the archetypes and share it here!


Ahh ok. Thank you!

Did you consider a 971 archetype? Or did you rule it out because of complexity?

Also good luck in making the decision!!!

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The 971 archetype would work pretty well, but we indeed scrapped it because of the complexity and stacked DOFs. Our design team is also happier with building a single-stage elevator compared to a two-stage, so that is going to play a big role in our decision making.