FRC 9575 Silver Robotics | 2025 Build Thread

Hello, welcome to team 9575’s build thread!
I loved reading other teams build blogs last season and it inspired me to make one for our team!!! The goal of this is to recieve feedback from the community and document our build season for future members.

Our Team
Silver Robotics is a Canadian team from Toronto, Ontario. We are a school based team in Silverthorn Collegiate Institute. Last year was our rookie year, but I would still consider us rookies this year. Over 85% of members are new! We are a small team of a 10-15 students but we hope to grow the team.

What to Expect

  • At a minimum weekly posts every Saturday
  • Kickoff, testing, problems, lessons learned, tournament and more
  • Only students make these posts (or just me for now)

Our Schedule

  • We are meeting for kickoff tommorow (Will post how it goes)
  • Meetings ever weekday during lunch and after school
  • Specific subteams are scheduled to meet on certain days.
  • Full team meetings on Mondays
  • Leadership meetings on Fridays

New Market
Humber College



This is our first year watching kickoff together as a team. Lots of fun ideas from students and it was overall a very engaging kickoff. We hope to see more ideas coming from other teams before we choose a mechanism to build.

Our Thoughts
Our plan is to build the kit bot but add an extra mechanism to it. Students had lots of differing ideas and we definetly didn’t settle on a final decesion yet but here are our scattered thoughts.

  • Clasps that squeezes both coral and algae
  • Poles that hold the coral
  • Telescoping arms
  • Actually make it 2 arms

Plans Going Forward

  • Read the full manual and then do a fun kahoot/blooket on it
  • Create a priorities list for which extra mechanism we will add to the kitbot
  • Build the new drivebase and kitbot

Grade 8 Night
On Thursday, January 9th our school hosted a grade 8 night which our team participated in. We informed future students and parents about our team, and what we do.Unfortunately I couldn’t take photos of the activities but here is us preparing beforehand. Students showed off our last years robot, and awnsered any questions students and parents had.

Our really cool school mascot posing with out robot. :sunglasses: