FRC and FTC elements

Hi, I have an odd question, is it allowed to use FTC elements in my FRC Robot? Like the control hub?

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In general, legal. However, specific components may have additional restrictions.

Depending on exactly what you’re doing with said Control Hub, it might be anywhere from legal to Right Out. Care to elaborate on your setup?

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We may use it because our NavX malfunction, so we can use the Controls Gyro, and it’s more easy to program Vision in the control than in a roborio according to our experience.

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Price is OK. It would be considered a Custom Circuit and subject to all the Custom Circuit rules. Also check any rules about co-processors.

Would I recommend doing that? No (particularly given that NavX units are in stock at AndyMark)–the interfacing is likely to be a bit entertaining. But I can see why you’d be considering it.

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In general stuff like the Color/Distance sensor, Servos and some motors in previous years were legal

REV Robotics HD Hex motor (REV-41-1291)

Saw this done by a South African team at world’s in Detroit 2019

They had an intake using Rev 3 inch wheels with the core hex motor and 5mm shaft. It worked for those orange balls surprisingly well. Geared up a bit but still strange to see on an FRC, but use what you’ve got, not what you have to get shipped across an ocean was their thought.

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Control Hub - might be okay if you don’t use the wireless communication it supports

Other FTC stuff - a lot of parts are kind of small for FRC purposes, but we ourselves have used the REV magnetic limit switches and REV smart servos on past robots.


Second that

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