FRC as a GBA game

For now, I’ve only animated some of the intro screens and pre-season gameplay, but what do you guys think?

This is really cool, not gonna lie.

When does Professor Oak come out and ask if you’re a girl or a boy?

Hahaha, actually, I was planning on having Dean Kamen or Woodie Flowers ask the player if they were Red or Blue!

See! I have their sprites all drawn out, I just don’t know where to use them yet. womp.

This looks awesome.

Unrelated: I need to find my Game Boy Color and play some Mario Tennis.

This looks so cool. Definitely try to follow through on it.

I need this…

Thank you so much! I’m putting bits of it on hold for a while. It’s been pretty rough. Switching modes between drawing and programming is exhausting (and to be honest I’m not that great of a programmer so oop).

Artwork looks fantastic so far!

Thank you so much! That’s really nice to hear!

Keep going this looks really cool. I want to play it so badly

As a fan of both RPGs and FIRST, this thread is VERY relevant to my interests. Looks really good so far, better than a lot of GBA games graphically for sure (though Dean’s face is a bit… too detailed shudder). Either way, keep it up :slight_smile:

Oh, and I would pay for Dean to cosplay as Oak.

COOL! I want one…

Those sprites are really well drawn.
This looks pretty cool!