Note that Beta teams do not get any unique code or any information about the upcoming game. There is no advantage to being a Beta team - other than getting the opportunity to help the community.
The timeframe is Mid-October to Early December.
It requires regular team meetings of just the beta testing sub-group.
Primarily a software investigation, but occasionally, for a limited group new hardware is also tested.
Like the Nidec brushless motor introduced last season that a few teams were able to beta test with.
Installing the new software versions followed by generic bench testing of robot projects.
Porting your last year’s robot code to the new version & testing in on your robot.
Running your robot in an offseason using the new software/hardware (if possible-off-seasons must fall at the right time).
Test any new features introduced that you may not have used before.
Test any new hardware. Usually involves incorporating it into a robot or mechanism.
Monitor the Beta testing forums to see what problems others are running into and report on your own progress.
Provide a presentation/briefing to other local teams on the new changes.
Act as a local resource if teams have questions or need help with some new feature.
Provide feedback via:
Regular progress reporting
Bug reports
Discussions about Beta issues
Review of and corrective comments on control system documentation