[FRC Blog] About the Game Hint

Posted on the FRC Blog, 12/19/2014: Link to post

Well this is going to be fun.

Let’s see how long it takes this thread to reach a hundred posts!

Madness… Madness could also be called “Lunacy”. Regolith game confirmed:D .

We all slow down quite a bit that year. My guess is trailers with a single pole on regolith and we stack inner tubes on the trailers.

On a side note I was really hoping the official hint would be released today now we wait till Monday.

I’m with Frank…fruit on pizza is wack…

side note: cue Water Game posts…

I’m going to have to agree with him on Hawaiian pizza.

Predicted Trends for 2015:
Hawaiian Pizza is the new Corndog.


You might be on to something…

Yeah its usually on a Friday or Thursday, I was waiting for it to release. Oh well.

So we are playing a FRUIT PIZZA game? Monday night will be interesting!

Previously identified: Hockey Game

Substantiated: “Madness” = Lunacy = Regolith simulating ice

Today’s Twist: “Hawaii” - Surfing…

Conclusion: Hockey on Surfboards!

From the comments:

Bingo! Now anagram tomato…:wink:

Surfing with Pineapples. I called it first.

So we are hawaiian pizza delivery robots that ring the doorbell with minibots. Got it!

Pineapple on pizza is delicious (as long as it’s fresh pineapple and not canned)

I suppose if Michigan pizza is all you know, then sure :rolleyes: . Real pizza does not have sweet fruit on it. Nor salad, for that matter.

On the other hand, Pepperoni is not as healthy, say, as peppers & onions. So here I have to disagree with Frank. I propose we settle this like men: He eats half a Pepperoni pizza, I eat half a Peppers & Onions pizza, then we see who is happier. The gauntlet has been thrown!

Sounds like Monday Night Football + football party food (pizza). Pineapple is shaped like a football.

Football game confirmed.

Also, you people are crazy. Jalapeno, bacon, and pineapple is an amazing combo.

I got to add the jalapenos though for the heat. Now I want pizza

Is it lunch time yet?