[FRC BLOG] Bride of 2017 Updates

8/23/16 FRC blog post.

Bride of 2017 Updates (Classic Sequel to ‘2017 Updates’. Many assert it’s actually the better blog.)*
Written by Frank Merrick.

Israel transitioning to the District Model**
It’s true! Israel is transitioning to the District Model in the 2017 Season. Welcome, Israel, to the District family!

Subdivision Names
In the 2017 Updates Blog we said we would be effectively adding four subdivisions to the eight we have now, bringing the total to 12 across both Championships. Here is the list of folks we are honoring by naming Championship subdivisions after them:

Marie Daly (d.2003)
Marie Daly, FIRST Championship St. Louis

Biochemist and the first black American woman to earn her PhD in Chemistry in the United States. She completed groundbreaking work on the causes of heart attacks and was an activist in getting minorities enrolled in medical schools and graduate science programs.

Charles Darwin (d.1882)
Charles Darwin, FIRST Championship St. Louis

Discovered (co-discovered?**) the Theory of Evolution.

Emily Roebling (d.1903)
Emily Roebling, FIRST Championship Houston

Even with no formal engineering education, still effectively drove the Brooklyn Bridge to completion for over ten years after her husband, official Chief Engineer for the project, became incapacitated with Caisson disease.

Alan Turing (d.1954)
Alan Turing, FIRST Championship Houston

Pioneer in the field of computer science. Creator of the concept now called the ‘Turing Machine’.

Subdivision Assignments
These new subdivision names, along with our existing names, will be assigned to the Championships as follows:

FIRST Championship Houston

FIRST Championship St. Louis

Even more about 2017 to follow soon.


  • Bride of Frankenstein: I know this film is from 1935, but it’s safe to say your cultural education is incomplete until you’ve seen it, in the same way your gustatory education is incomplete until you’ve eaten the Blazin’ Buffalo Chicken Macaroni and Cheese from Mr. Mac’s in Manchester, NH. Seriously, that’s some tasty mac and cheese.

** Charles Darwin

Good guy Frank separates Carson and Carver, removing some verbal confusion. Thanks Frank!

Will both Championsplits have an Einstein division called Einstein?

Cue all the jokes about natural selection in the Darwin division

Can you imagine the fun people will have with that if Darwin goes on a long time Curie like streak?

Eventually there would have to be a thread explaining the lack of winning teams coming from the division. It’ll be titled: “Darwin’s Origin of Superstition”

Please let there be a Carson-Daly division.

Or was that Alfred Russel Wallace? Some say Darwin only got around to publishing because he learned that Wallace had submitted a paper to the Royal Society first. Wallace subdivision would be cool. :cool:

I am not biased. :rolleyes:

Other than giving recognition to famous scientists/engineers/inventors, I don’t really see a reason to not just use the same division names for both championships.

Because it’s really supposed to be one championship in two places on two different places?

Because everyone would just start calling them Archimedes-North and Archimedes-South anyway. Which two division names don’t make the cut? How do you define event codes for the API?

Imagine this conversation:
“Curie is the most stacked division ever! Newton 2016 isn’t even close!”
“Dude, what are you talking about? Curie is so weak that random other division could beat it with two robots!”
“Whaddaya mean, weak? With [list of legendary teams], there’s no way it can lose!”
“Those teams aren’t in that division, what are you talking about?”
cue discussion to figure out what’s going on, several posts later…
“OH! I meant Curie South! You’re talking about Curie North!”

Sometimes, it’s better to just have different names than to use name**descriptor.

I don’t see how that is a bad thing.

Can confirm. Mr Macs is awesome.

Probably. The question is going to be whether they keep the two fields for Einstein in each event, or have Mass in one and Energy in the other.

I can’t believe that there is no discussion about “The Bride of Frankenstein” being a possible game hint

Nah, too obvious. They’re bringing back an old game and playing it again but different. The question is which one, and I’m not willing to take a guess–there’s only 24 of them to choose from.

Well it’s probably not gonna be 2008 and 2014. 1 in 22 seems like good enough odds :rolleyes:

My vote is for Mass and Photoelectric in one, Energy and Relativity in the other. On the photoelectric effect and general relativity hang all of modern physics.

I sent Frank an email about this a while ago. Glad to finally have the answer :slight_smile: