[FRC Blog] Build Skills with XRP

Posted on the FRC Blog, 11/20/2023 by Collin Fultz:

I’m thrilled to share a new opportunity for FIRST ® teams to enhance their skills and engage with their peers and the wider community. The XRP (eXperiential Robotics Platform), announced at the beginning of July by Sparkfun and DigiKey, is a cost-effective robot designed to bolster software skills among team members. It’s ideal for recruiting new teams and members, conducting workshops, running summer camps, and more.

Image source: SparkFun, CC BY 2.0

Additionally, the XRP supports WPILib, offering teams a chance to build confidence in the programming environment used in FIRST ® Robotics Competition. The XRP is currently available as a beta hardware kit from both SparkFun and DigiKey, with a substantial discount for FIRST teams who request the educational or “FIRST Team” discount. Teams who have secured can also use their DigiKey Voucher from the virtual Kit of Parts for the XRP. Due to its popularity, the XRP might sometimes be backordered for brief periods of time, but new units are continuously being made available.

WPILib provides resources to get started with XRP, and there is a discussion forum for XRP users to connect, share ideas, and discuss ways to leverage the XRP to help grow FIRST! In addition, the XRP is now compatible with the Intro to Programming modules in Thinkscape. These modules enable students to learn Java programming basics, including command-based programming using XRP. Here are instructions to access the module.

I am excited about the potential this robot and collaboration hold, and I eagerly anticipate seeing the innovative uses our teams and partners find for it. This development is another step towards making FIRST programs more scalable, sustainable, and accessible.


I wonder what the “educational discount” actually amounts to

Do you think this will be an expansion of the Romi project, or in place of it?

Not gonna lie…I thought this would have been at a much more competitive price, even without the educational discount. Am I wrong here? @marshall I feel like you’d know if I’m being unreasonable.

There’s some discount code you can get somehow. I know nothing specific.

It’s a separate product entirely. You could see it as a newer, lower cost alternative to Romi.

Minibots, here we come?

Educational Discount is quite a bit (almost half), just email spankfun and tell them that you are either a teacher (.edu email will probably help) or you are a mentor with First.

This is a separated but based on ROMI project. It’s just using a RP2040 in place of the PI + Arduino in the ROMI. You do get the added benefit that it can also run CircuitPy/“Blocky” (can’t remember what the block GUI is called off the top of my head) if you dont want to run it in full WPILIB control.


Sounds like with the discount it is around $65, which lines up much closer with my expectations.


Previous discussion:

It’s worth noting that in addition to Romi-like use with WPILib, there’s a full online curriculum with Blockly and MicroPython programming, so it can serve dual-purpose as a robot for younger students (e.g. summer outreach programs) as well as a test platform for FRC students to learn WPILib.


I’ll keep this short and sweet.
The XRP, at the discount price, is in my opinion the absolute best bang for the buck when it comes to introducing new students to robotics programming.
As the WPILib integration gets refined, it will be a fantastic platform for learning FIRST programming environments and prototyping.


I emailed Sparkfun mid afternoon today at the email provided on the product page asking for details. Hopefully I hear back soon and can report back here…

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I’m definitely old. XRP made me think this topic was Nothing But DeWalts.

Some of you out there know what I mean.


On the flip side, I was afraid FIRST was getting involved with a dubious cryptocurrency. Personally, I prefer to invest in precious metals.


Follow-up to my post.

Sparkfun got back to me, updated my account to an educational/educator account, and I can now see the discounted pricing.

Looks like FIRST teams can get the XRP for $64.95 USD


Can confirm this is what we paid when we purchased two about a month ago.

Setting up a “teacher account” is incredibly simple and quick.

Have yet to really dive in (new programming students are working on other projects) but they are assembled and ready.


Is anyone seeing the digikey voucher in their virtual kit of parts? The list of vouchers looks rather short, I’m wondering if they haven’t added them all yet.

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I noticed DigiKey missing too. Wasn’t sure if that was an issue with our teams list specifically (the registration billing with Ontario teams is weird/different than US teams, so we didnt see any voucher codes for several days).

Maybe they’ll be in round 2 (ok kickoff)?

Digikey doesn’t need a voucher code so it’s not on the dashboard.

It is listed on the Kit of parts page with instructions for use - Kit of Parts | FIRST

The catalog does have some virtual kit of parts vouchers listed that don’t appear on the website or in the dashboard yet - https://firstfrc.blob.core.windows.net/frc2024/KOP/FRC_Voucher_Catalog_2024.pdf


The revamped page and $15 more ($65 voucher) is nice: FIRST® Robotics Competition | DigiKey

Thanks, DigiKey!