[FRC Blog] Encrypted 2015 Game Manual

Posted on the FRC Blog, 12/31/14: http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/blog-encrypted-2015-game-manual

Encrypted 2015 Game Manual

**Blog Date: **Wednesday, December 31, 2014 - 09:38

**Encrypted 2015 FRC Game Manual
The encrypted 2015 FRC Game Manual is now ready for download here! The password will be revealed during the Kickoff webcast Saturday, January 3rd. No one is more happy that the manual is done than the FRC Staff, let me tell you. Of course, this means it’s time to get started on 2016. Uff da.

If you want to make sure you will be able to decrypt the manual when that exciting moment comes, please follow the instructions on this page.

Kickoff Broadcast

Thanks to our friends at Comcast, you will be able to stream the Kickoff broadcast, in high def – assuming you have the bandwidth - here.

Here’s the approximate timeline for Saturday, January 3rd. All times are US Eastern Standard Time. Make sure to convert to your local time so you don’t miss the party!

10:15 AM – Pre-show starts. This gives you time to make sure you can stream the show, set sound levels, etc. Early on, it’s just an animation of the *FIRST *logo and music, but later, it includes some interesting previews and thank-yous to Sponsors and Suppliers.

10:30 AM – Main portion of the Kickoff video starts, including game reveal!

11:07 AM – Field tour video segments start. These include detailed look at field elements and other items that may be of interest to teams.

11:14 AM – Webcast ends. Work begins.


Awesome. Thanks Frank!

2015 Game Manual: 3,044 KB
2014 Game Manual: 4,071 KB

I wonder if this means that the game manual is shorter this year? 33% file size reduction seems like a significant loss.

The best work always begins at 11:14. :wink:

…and the over analysis begins! :smiley:

Or there’s less/smaller images or more image compression.

Stop making so much sense :stuck_out_tongue:

If R13 is anything to go by…it could well be 33% shorter. We can at least hope, right? :o

I have a few questions: Does this mean that Kickoff will not be shown on NASA TV? How can we replay Kickoff for showing at a later time (like 6pm PST that evening)?

Usually the videos for kickoff are put up on the youtube channel pretty much right after kickoff ends.

according to the hint thread, there are 65 pages to the manual this year. This is considerably less than the 111 pages from last year and the 94 pages for 2013.

How would the hint thread know anything for sure about the manual?

Someone’s phone displayed page 0 of 65 when asking for the key. Said person posted this on the hint thread, it’s not really related to the thread itself.

Well, R13 seemed a bit shorter than before. Assuming they gave all the rules the same treatment, I can see the manual being a bit shorter than last year.

Uff da.

“Uff da” is a Norwegian expression used to express disgust or frustration (similar to the Yiddish “oy vey,” or the English “ugh”).

It’s cold in Norway.

Cold water = ice.

Hockey game confirmed.

Well, the linked page has a link for the lock-up form, so speculation about doing away with stop build day can now be quashed, at least.

I just noticed that there is a team update listed for the manual already.

Interesting. This post never appeared on my RSS reader and it does now show at http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/blog.

The page that Ryan linked to is still active and accepting comments.

I noticed that as well. Usually it takes a bit for a blog post to appear in the listing after it is posted, but never this long.

An RSS reader? Man, I should get on of those… :rolleyes:

Well, lockup would still need to be a thing for transporting robots to Championships if we did away with stop-build (which I’m in favor of).