[FRC Blog] Hype Train in Motion, 2019 Control System Software Download and one more VR Update!

Post on the FRC Blog, Jan 01, 2019: https://www.firstinspires.org/robotics/frc/blog/2019-hype-train-control-system-more-vr

Hype Train in Motion, 2019 Control System Software Download and one more VR Update!

Written by Frank Merrick.

Hype Train in Motion

The Hype Train has Left the Station

This Hype Train left the station long ago! And I am seriously on board! A few short hours from now all will be revealed and you will be so deep in Destination: Deep Space presented by The Boeing Company you won’t be able to stand it!

In case you needed a reminder:

Join us on Twitch at the times below. If you think it may be blocked at your kickoff location, start making those calls to get it unblocked!

Friday, January 4 (hey, that’s tonight!!!)

6:30 PM ET : Founder’s Reception and Tour of Dean’s Home. Never been to Dean’s home? Here’s a chance for you to take a look! Maybe he’ll let you take a peek inside his secret lab.

Saturday, January 5 (tomorrow, if you are reading this on January 4 and I hope you are!)

10 AM ET: Pre-show. This will give you a chance to make sure your connection is working while you watch local speakers from Manchester, New Hampshire, USA, including Dean and other guests. ‘Other guests’ will include a live performance by Queen.*

10:30 AM ET: Main Show. The show with all the goodies, revealing the game!

11:15 AM ET (Approximately): Deeper Space. We answer your questions about the field live! Send them through the Twitch chat! Important note: we will not answer ‘rules’ questions about the game. Please read the Game & Season Manual carefully then submit any remaining rules questions you have to the Q&A when it opens at Noon Eastern Time Wednesday, January 9.

12:00 PM ET (Approximately): Broadcast ends. Work begins.

Sunday, January 6

3:00 PM ET: Join Deejay Knight with some great guests as he builds and programs the 2019 Kit Of Parts Drive Base!

2019 FRC Control System Software

All FRC Control System Software has been posted and is now available for download. Note that you will need the encryption key from the Kickoff broadcast to access the NI Update Suite to get anything running on a roboRIO, but all other content is unencrypted. You can find a quick guide to what to grab for installation later here.

VR Update

We’ve been able to add one more encrypted VR asset to our site for a pre-Kickoff download (see Wednesday’s blog for background). It’s available here.

I can’t wait!!!


*Not really, but that would be sweet.

What’s the difference between the SolidWorks VR and the Automation Direct VR? Will they run about the same?