[FRC Blog] Kit Hints?

Posted on the FRC Blog, 12/10/14: http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/blog-kit-hints

Kit Hints?

Blog Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 - 08:56

A message from our Kit of Parts team:

We’re in full swing preparing for Kickoff, not sure if you heard, but its 24 days away.

Kickoff Kits start leaving the warehouse in New Hampshire today! We want to make sure you have the information you need to get your Kickoff Kit home safely. The Kit of Parts homepage has been updated with sizes and weights of various components of the Kickoff Kit that you can expect to have to pack up and take back to your build space. We recommend you leave the Vespa at home.

We’ve also updated the Kit of Parts homepage with a link to information about the difference between what veteran and rookie teams will receive and a link to information about inventorying your Kickoff Kit and the process for reporting missing or damaged components.

What could collectively be 3x3x60?
I also notice that the drive train box seems to be the same size as last year.

Game piece perhaps?

FRC 2014 Just Joust!

That name can work as a substitute for Aerial Assist too.

I’ve been thinking for years what kind of game they could do with rods, maybe this is the year I find out.

Hahaha too true, too true.

Clearly it’s a box of CIMs lined up in a terribly inefficient way. The weight is just a typo.

My guess for 3x3 is ‘must use’ bumper fabric. Would add to asthetics of matches and prevent fabric selection for advantage.

29x22x22 is two or more game pieces?

Bumper fabric that is 5’ long?

I doubt they would not tell us about a change like this until kickoff since we are allowed to buy the fabric in advanced.

You’re allowed to buy a lot of stuff in advance that might not be legal next year.

Like wheels.

6 lbs? So this thing is .1 pound per inch of length?

I hope we’ll still be able to buy wheels. It would be a pretty terrible game if we had special FIRST-mandated wheels as a central element to gameplay. Good thing it hasn’t happened yet…

Agreed. I retract my last statement.

If that happened we’d never hear the end of it. People would still be complaining about it, 5 years later…

Twenty wiffleballs?

60" is a standard fabric bolt width. The other dimension will be the bumper length you are expecting. No box. Kickoff teams seeing the kit early will know. But it is not much of an advantage. Or maybe 54" in a box. Thats another std width.

I’m guessing bumper numbers will be provided and mandatory also. This removes inspector headaches and makes sure all teams’ numbers are visible.

My prediction: two-wheeled jousting robots. :smiley:

I doubt it would need to be packaged in a tube though, I’d imagine it would be much cheaper to fold it and put it in a tote.
