FRC Blog - New Subdivision Names

As many of you know, with the increase to 600 FRC teams at the FIRST Championship this year, we have outgrown our four traditional fields. For 2105, we’ll have eight fields in the dome, and those additional four fields need names. These new names will be added to our traditional names of Archimedes, Curie, Galileo, and Newton. Each of these eight names will be used to identify a Subdivision for FRC teams at the FIRST Championship. When we transition to the FIRST Championship final matches, in which each Subdvision Winning Alliance will be competing, two of the eight fields will be renamed Einstein.

Over the summer, we began looking at potential names, gathering candidates from several sources, including a Chief Delphi thread on the topic. We then sorted through the names, recognizing that bringing more diversity to our field names would be a step in the right direction for us. The final names were then approved through Senior FIRST Management.

We’re very excited to present our new FRC field names for the 2015 FIRST Championship!

(Rachel) Carson

Rachel Carson (1907-1964) was a marine biologist, environmentalist, and educator. Her 1962 book, Silent Spring, is often cited as a catalyst for the environmental movement. She had a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and a Master’s Degree in Zoology. You can learn more about her here.

(George Washington) Carver

George Washington Carver (1864-1943) was a botanist, inventor, and educator. Among other accomplishments, he is credited with developing several hundred uses for peanuts and soybeans, and taught methods of crop management to low-income farmers. He had Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Botany. You can find out more about him here.

(Grace) Hopper

Grace Hopper (1906-1992) was a computer scientist, Unites States Naval Officer, and educator. She invented the first compiler for programming languages, among other ‘firsts’ in her career. She had a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics and Physics and Master’s and Doctoral Degrees in Mathematics. Find out more about her here.

(Nikola) Tesla

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was an engineer and inventor born in what is now Croatia. He held hundreds of patents and created the first AC motor and wireless remote control. While he studied at two universities in Europe, he never earned a formal degree. Learn more about him here.


Very cool choices. I think a field name Tesla is especially cool.

For 2105, we’ll have eight fields in the dome, and those additional four fields need names.

What’ll they be named for the next 90 years?

It would be so cool to be assigned to one of the new fields (where my team goes is where I usually want to go but I can be flexible). I particularly would like to be on Carver.

Love the names. A+.


Same, but for Tesla. It’d be really cool to be on my favorite inventor’s field for my senior year, if we make it to Champs.

I was really pushing for Left Shark and Beyoncé but I’m pretty happy about what was chosen.

All jokes aside… It’s great to see so many women represented. I’m excited to see how things work out this year, especially with two fields transitioning into Einstein rather than having a dedicated location for Einstein play only. (Yes, I do know fll used Einstein I’m talking about FRC play)

Good choices, I like the diversity. I just wonder how often Carson/Carver will get confused due to the similarity, and Curie isn’t too far off.

Definitely loving the new names. I’m a bit wary about playing on the new fields, however, because of the Carson/Carver/Hopper/Tesla Curse. I hear no alliance from those divisions has ever won championships. :rolleyes:

Great variety for the new fields. Hopper and Tesla are great (okay, Grace Hopper is one of my personal idols), but I’m really happy that Carson and Carver were included. I think including them really says something about how important it is to use STEM skills to make a positive impact on the world socially as well as technologically. Tesla might be just plain cool, and Hopper might have been one of the greatest early computing pioneers, but Carson and Carver are the ones that stick out to me, because they both speak to the social responsibility of STEM professionals.

Loving these new names! I particularly like Tesla.

I thought the same thing. A-C-G-N-E were easy to abbrev.; having A-C-C-C-G-H-N-T-E will prove to be a bit more confusing.
Also: aren’t there two Einstein fields this year? Will they be E1 and E2?

I know, I memorized the field names because the initials ACGN was close to the abgn classes for wireless. Remembering the division names will be hard this year.

I wish Tesla was going to FTC and Franklin used in FRC instead. It would be very appropriate for the two FTC fields to be Tesla and Edison given the minor disagreement those two had in the late 19th century.

I can start making direction signs to place at the dome entrance to point people in the right direction to their fields. A que teams should be assigned there to play traffic cop. There will be alot of teams going back and forth there all day.

But then the Edison field would claim all of the victorious FTC alliances, regardless of the Tesla field’s contributions.

I was thinking the same thing.

Part of me wished that they would scrap Archimedes and Galileo in favor of only 2 syllable names, there are plenty:

Turing, Feynman, Euler, Hawking, Darwin, Fermi, Bardeen, Maxwell, Sagan, Tyson, Mendel, Fleming, Kepler, Hubble, Neumann

Can you guess what my major is? :smiley:


The picture of Grace Hopper on the wikipedia article is amazing. I bet no one messed with her. Definitely my new favorite superhero.

We liked Grace Hopper before it was cool… :stuck_out_tongue:

Very excited to see our name-sake Grace Hopper as a Championship field!