FRC Blog - Openings and Closings

This Thursday, November 1, at Noon Eastern Time, we’ve got several registrations opening:

  • Additional In-District Registration for District teams
    For District teams wanting to attend a third event in their District
  • Unrestricted Regional Event Registration
    For Regional and District teams wanting to attend an additional Regional event
    Championship Waitlist for Veteran Teams
    For Regional and District Veteran teams hoping to get lucky in being selected from the Waitlist to attend FIRST Championship in April

The Additional In-District Registration and the Unrestricted Regional Event Registration are first-come, first-served if there are current openings at the events. If there are no current openings, you will be placed on the waitlist.

FIRST Championship Waitlist selection is randomized as described here. As the selection process is randomized just before invitations are sent to teams, there is no advantage to joining the waitlist early.

If you are a Rookie team and want a grant to help cover your registration fees, the time to apply is now! Applications for these grants close on Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time. See the details here. As we’ve said so many times in the past, the best way to make sure you are on time is to plan to be early. Filling out the application takes just a few minutes and late applications will not be accepted, so get going!


Why am I shocked that this has been up for an entire day and no one has made any comment as to whether or not the elevator is a game hint?

Perhaps a reference to the VEX game “Elevation”? No… that doesn’t involve space. It’s a… it’s a Space Elevator. Something is going to have to climb a rope suspended from the ceiling…

No… wait… it’s in comparison to the stairs in the teaser video a few years ago and it means that since there is an elevator, there won’t be stairs in this game. Well, there will, but you’ll only use them in case of fire. But FIRST would never allow fire on the field, so they’ll need a way to put out the fire, so they’ll need to have buckets and buckets of…

No… noo… I almost said it. Must LOG ouuuuuuuttttt…


When I think elevators and space, there is only one thing that comes to mind.

Now there’s a spicy game theme.

I suspect that it has something to do with the large numbers of doors opening or closing in the teaser video.
That’s right, folks: The Sally Port (or Drawbridge, or Portcullis… or some combination of all three) is back, as the Airlock. But this time… it has TWO doors, and you can only open one at a time unless you want to lose major points.

GDC… I’d say forget you read this post, but it’s probably too late.

Hey, can’t forget this STEM challenge with space and elevators:
Part 1
Part 2

TLDR version

From conversations I had in Houston, it was basically too late then. So I think you’re safe.

Is anyone else having trouble with open regional registration? We can’t find Idaho or Las Vegas.

Didn’t have any trouble here, but it looks like the site won’t show any events that have the same week as any currently registered or even dropped events.

That must be it, we’re on the waitlist for another week 5 event and were hoping to get a back-up plan.
