[FRC Blog] Pre-Orders for 2025 Game Pieces

I really like this idea.

The field would have a “faucets” that continuously introduces not-fuel onto the field and robots have to score it into an alliance specific hopper to get points. Teams can also have the robots use the PVC to build a “pipeline” that connects to their faucet and redirects where the not-fuel comes out. Once all of the pipes are installed, the not-fuel is dispensed directly into the alliance’s hopper. Maybe robots could also have the option to turn a valve to change the speed at which their faucet releases.
Do you leave it on low and turn it to full at the end of the match after you’ve completed the pipeline? Do you turn it to full right away and focus entirely on scoring your not-fuel? Do you set it to medium and have your alliance work on both at the same time?


I worked out the cost, dimensions and weight (shipping costs) for 20 regulation baseballs. It’s very close on all factors.


Playoff baseballs, or regular-season baseballs?

With or without baseball rubbing mud?

Also don’t forget the humidors and Spider-Tack.

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Do teams in FIT get a complimentary trash can?


That’s the Ten-Year-Throwback box, it’s another opt-in.

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Only in the Houston area. Rangers fans are unaffected.


As someone who doesn’t follow baseball, is this something that actually happens? Are the regular season and playoff baseballs different?

Officially not, but postseason balls have behaved quite differently from the regular season in some years (2019 comes to mind). One explanation is that the 2019 postseason balls used both 2019 and 18 regular season batches, but MLB denies this…

Touch wood.

Maybe Game Piece 1 is made of wood?


As noted: they aren’t supposed to be.

But the effects are sometimes noted to be quite different.


AndyVega ??


I wonder if its not going to be super durable, maybe stable but easily replaceable makes me think not super durable, might get holes or damage etc.