[FRC Blog] Record and Waitlist

Posted on the FRC Blog, 3/28/14: http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/blog-Record-and-Waitlist

Record and Waitlist

**Blog Date: **Friday, March 28, 2014 - 10:28

If you take a look at the schedule for this weekend, you’ll see we’ve got 20 FRC events on tap. That’s a lot of inspiration, and a new record!


Many FRC teams have already earned their way to the FIRST® Championship in April through their performance at events, and a high percentage of teams have accepted those slots when offered. Just a reminder that we expect very few waitlist slots to be available. The number available may be just a couple, or even zero.


Well this is heartbreaking… :frowning:

I know this has been asked before, but how do you keep posting these before anyone else?

At this point instead of posting I think we just wait for it to be posted.

The FRC Blog has an RSS feed so I’d assume he automates it.

I wish.

If you look at the time the blog was posted and compare it to when Ryan posted, there is a bit of a delay. However, Ryan is the only person that really goes in and fixes the formatting before posting it. So people usually just wait for him to post it on Chief Delphi. :wink: