[FRC Blog] Surprise!

Posted on the FRC Blog, 1/6/16: http://www.firstinspires.org/robotics/frc/blog/surprise


Today’s blog post was written by Jonathan Bryant, Kit of Parts Engineer. *(2016 Jan 05)
We’re using today’s blog to tell you about three juicy pieces of information from the Robot section of the Game Manual and the Kit of Parts.

First, R14. R14 – Software and mechanical/electrical designs created before Kickoff are only permitted if the source files (complete information sufficient to produce the design) are available publicly prior to Kickoff.

So, if you already have a design, and you want to use it this year, post it publicly now.

Second, Motors.

In a former blog post we declared Banebots 775 and 550 motors illegal for the 2016 season. This was because Banebots was no longer producing the motor and we wanted to ensure all teams had access to the same set of motors. After seeing feedback from the community, Banebots was able to work with us and start back up production of the 775 and 550! Banebots will have sufficient stock of both motors for the coming season and thus M7-RS775-18 and M5-RS550-12 will be legal for 2016!

Third, Kit of Parts sizes and weights.

2016 Kickoff Kits will consist of the following items for all teams (sizes and weights are approximate):

  1. One set of items, collectively, 27 in. x 17 in. x 13 in., 48 lbs.
  2. One set of items, collectively, 2 in. x 2 in. x 48 in., 5 lbs.
  3. One item, 8 in. x 3 in. x 7 in., 14 lbs.

2016 Kickoff Kits will include the following additional items for Rookie Teams only:

  1. One set of items, collectively, 27 in. x 17 in. x 13 in., 33 lbs.
  2. One item, 8 in. x 3 in. x 7 in., 14 lbs.

Teams who did not opt out of the Drive Base Kit will also receive the following item:

  1. One set of items, collectively, 7 in. x 7 in. x 34 in., 28 lbs.

Teams who opted into receiving an additional Kickoff Kit’s worth of game pieces will receive:

  1. (redacted)


Tote weights for reference:
2016 - 48 lbs
2015 - 60 lbs
2014 - 60 lbs
2013 - 48 lbs

  1. One set of items, collectively, 27 in. x 17 in. x 13 in., 48 lbs.
  2. One set of items, collectively, 2 in. x 2 in. x 48 in., 5 lbs.
  3. One item, 8 in. x 3 in. x 7 in., 14 lbs.

Item 1 is clearly a tote. (Recycle rush Definitely taught me the dimensions of those).

So speculation for game pieces lies with item 2 and 3.

a single 14lb item is pretty heavy especially since it is only 168 cubic inches. It does not appear to be a ball unless its a box of smaller balls. (Cananobals?)

The second set of items to me looks like spare parts similarly to how they gave out the L Stock last year. Although it could definitely be a flag pole.


One set of items, collectively, 2 in. x 2 in. x 48 in., 5 lbs.

Robot swords…ROBOT SWORDS. :yikes:

Clearly they are combining the sports of curling and jousting.

I’m pretty sure number 3 is a battery and rookies get 2.

Dimensions per AndyMark, http://www.andymark.com/battery-p/am-3062.htm

incoming jousting matches?

I’m also curious about the 14lb item. its roughly battery sized? And its only 1 item? Would they say its 1 item if its a box of little “cannonballs”?

Weird that there is no mention of 775 pro being legal.

Sadly, you’re probably right. Curling stones are much heavier than 14 pounds.

Thanks for the update and the KoP information.

It is.

I wouldn’t lose hope yet. I would assume they thought it was important to make it very public that they reversed a decision they had made public earlier in the year.

I just submitted a question about 775 Pro’s legality to the Blog.

What could go wrong? :rolleyes:

Disclaimer: For those who haven’t seen this picture before, no, it’s not a game hint, it was a spoof made by Dave Lavery way back in 2005: http://www.chiefdelphi.com/media/photos/22422

That would be one of the awesomest things ever.

Number 3 is almost certainly the battery, as they always include them - every year we see " One item, 8 in. x 3 in. x 7 in., 14 lbs." and it is always the batter. Number 2 looks like Aluminum to me.


… poor Dozer, always getting into trouble.

2016 Contents & Weights:

2016 Kickoff Kits will consist of the following items for all teams (sizes and weights are approximate):

  1. One set of items, collectively, 27 in. x 17 in. x 13 in., 48 lbs.
  2. One set of items, collectively, 2 in. x 2 in. x 48 in., 5 lbs.
  3. One item, 8 in. x 3 in. x 7 in., 14 lbs.
    2016 Kickoff Kits will include the following additional items for Rookie Teams only:
  4. One set of items, collectively, 27 in. x 17 in. x 13 in., 33 lbs.
  5. One item, 8 in. x 3 in. x 7 in., 14 lbs.
    Teams who did not opt out of the Drive Base Kit will also receive the following item:
  6. One set of items, collectively, 7 in. x 7 in. x 34 in., 28 lbs.
    Teams who opted into receiving an additional Kickoff Kit’s worth of game pieces will receive:
  7. (redacted)

2015 Contents & Weights for Comparison:

2015 Kickoff Kits will consist of the following items for all teams (sizes and weights are approximate):
A) One set of items, collectively, 27 in. x 17 in. x 17 in., 60 lbs.
B) One item, 8 in. x 3 in. x 7 in., 14 lbs.
C) One set of items, collectively, 29 in. x 22 in. x 22 in., 9 lbs.
D) One set of items, collectively 3 in. x 3 in. x 60 in., 6 lbs.
2015 Kickoff Kits will include the following additional items for Rookie teams only:
E) One item, 27 in. x 17 in. x 13 in., 26 lbs.
F) One item, 8 in. x 3 in. x 7 in., 14 lbs.
Teams who did not opt out of the Drive Base Kit will also receive the following item:
G) One item, 34 in. x 6 in. x 7 in., 24 lbs.

My guesses…

  1. One set of items, collectively, 27 in. x 17 in. x 13 in., 48 lbs.

[INDENT]- A tote with the majority of the kit components… potentially including smaller or inflatable/squishable game pieces
2. One set of items, collectively, 2 in. x 2 in. x 48 in., 5 lbs.

  • Donated extrusion/raw materials (weight is right for 4 pieces of 1x1x.0625 aluminum box) or a game piece or unique field element
  1. One item, 8 in. x 3 in. x 7 in., 14 lbs.
  • A battery[/INDENT]
    2016 Kickoff Kits will include the following additional items for Rookie Teams only:
  1. One set of items, collectively, 27 in. x 17 in. x 13 in., 33 lbs.

[INDENT]- Tote of more kit components for rookies…
5. One item, 8 in. x 3 in. x 7 in., 14 lbs.

  • A battery…[/INDENT]
    Teams who did not opt out of the Drive Base Kit will also receive the following item:
    6.One set of items, collectively, 7 in. x 7 in. x 34 in., 28 lbs.

- AM14U3 (4 pounds heavier than 2015)

Teams who opted into receiving an additional Kickoff Kit’s worth of game pieces will receive:
7. (redacted)

- This could be the game piece(s)

AM14U3 is four pounds heavier than AM14U2? Uh oh. I just convinced my team to order an AM14U2 from a recent Andymark Deal of the Day for possible use as our practice bot. The hope was that given the profile drawings the two kits would be extremely similar.

Guess we will soon see…

Ok so the game piece is a battery! No? Bad idea? Serisouly though guess the game piece is probably in the tote.

Unless there is no game piece…